Today for me, was a very good day indeed.
We aren't moving on and accepting Bush Inc. We like him just as little today as we did yesterday.(maybe even less if that is possible. I won't even rant about how much I dislike him. There is still evidence coming in from OH and other states. I look forward to his impeachment. Of course, snake that he is has dodge it with WMD and 9/11 by not testifying under oath. Avoided, with Gonozlas at his side, Abu Ghraib War Criminal (that he is). But we will get him.
Today was the first strike of the drum, We must move forward with that same single beat. The first step into battle. We still have work to do. Election reform is something I wanted with my heart and soul. I will keep pushing for it. It MUST NOT be something we scoff at and turn away from. Or belittle it's importance because we feel betrayed.
Did he steal it? Yes or he had knowledge of it. They know, we know they stole it! Why would you refuse to vote for paper trails if you weren't planning on hijacking the election over and over again. That is why they got so damn defensive today. Don't let defeat, defeat you. You are on the side of right. There is nothing wrong with fighting for democracy. Right wing neo's made fools of themselves today by Delegitimizing Suppression and free elections.
Dem's went out on a limb today, for you and I. They weren't alone we were there too. In every house, on the internet, in the streets. We stood and hollered, cheered, and fought. You should be proud of that first step.
I'm immensely proud of Boxer and Tubbs. I admire that other's spoke with her. I admire they took the risk, and stood against the backlash that is sure to come in the coming days.
I went out and bought orange ribbon, I have one pinned on every single coat and sweater (so I can't forget to show it off) I'm proud to stand for election reform.
We know it was stolen, I believe it! (not all of us do, but I do).
I'm not laying down because Bush is in power. He isn't my president! He's just RESIDENT. Until the reform is committed to and held up to standards we can accept. They won't know peace. Let's make them so sick of hearing it, they will want it too.