A bit of decent MSM coverage in this AFP article!
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This article includes a few good quotes from the dems...
"The centerpiece of the country is democracy and the centerpiece of democracy is ensuring the right to vote," said Boxer.
Senator Ted Kennedy said Democrats were not seeking to overturn Bush's victory, but to call attention to an injustice.
"As in 2000, the votes of many who wanted to vote were not in fact counted," the Massachusetts lawmaker said.
He told the Senate: "It is far from clear the extent of which these serious problems were the result of intended manipulation or widespread incompetence, but either way the voting process did not live up to the standards worthy of our democracy."
Another Democratic Senator, Frank Lautenberg, said he would introduce new legislation to ensure that federal election campaign officials are not linked to a particular party or candidate. Other election reform legisation is expected to be introduced in coming weeks.
Some 400 people demonstrated outside Congress, pushing for electoral reform.
"We need a new federal election law, we need an amendment to the constitution to protect the right to vote on a federal basis," said former Democratic former presidential hopeful Jesse Jackson.