Now we get into the grass-roots state by state effort to expose the fraud and change the laws in enough states that the Democrats can win a majority in at least the House of Representatives in 1996--of course, the majority of real popular votes will be there, it's just a question of whether the election rigging can be overturned in enough states to recognize that reality.
2004 is a year when Democrats mobilized a larger vote than ever before--and there is just no way a President as unpopular as Bush actually GOT THE LARGEST VOTE IN HISTORY, as the official tally by Republican voting machines says he did. Indeed, plenty of precincts reported more votes than they even had voters registered, so we know there was a whole lotta ballot stuffing going on!
Many Congressional races must have been affected by the rigging as well...but the Democrats who survived are often afraid to say so, because they have no control of this and they're afraid that the election riggers could just as easily take them out next time around.
So it has to be a grass roots effort, rooting out the corruption and secretively rigged voting machines state by state. Blue states can study these machines and pass the information on to swing states and so on. And it will require a movement as energized as ML King's Civil Rights movement.
Remember, the age group that most decisively voted against Bush was the 18-29 year olds. There's a lot of energetic young people we can pull into this if we get the groove going.