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G'nite folks. Keep the faith. We can still rescue this nation.

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Election Reform Donate to DU
GreenPartyVoter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-07-05 12:06 AM
Original message
G'nite folks. Keep the faith. We can still rescue this nation.
Maybe not this year or even this decade, but if we get to work and shed the microwave-gotta-have-it-all-right-now mentality, we can do it!

Election reform can help save this country!
Same day primaries with ranked voting ballots for the Dems, and
THESE reforms for your town, county, and state.
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zalinda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-07-05 01:42 AM
Response to Original message
1. All is not lost......
it's just going to take longer than we'd like.

I've been reading DU for about 2 months now. I was pissed at the Democrats and John Kerry when I came here. After reading a lot of posts I started to calm down and started to think rationally again.

Here's what I think has happened........the Kerry/Edwards campaign tried their best to run an honest campaign, one that we could all be proud of. Were mistakes made, yup, to be sure, but not many. You couldn't ask for candidates that worked harder and longer than any of us could. We tend to forget that they started before we did, did the traveling, the speaking, the hand shaking and the worrying, everyday for over a year. They knew that they were fighting unbelievable incumbent war president, the 9/11---Iraq misconception, MSM in Bush's corner and an election machine that would do anything to win. They knew that they had to win BIG, in order to counteract the fraud that was going to happen. They just couldn't beat the odds, and I don't think that even a perfect candidate or a perfectly run race could have beaten those odds. Kerry had to concede when he did. I know, I was sadden and pissed and hated him for a week. (My family and friends were afraid to talk to me.) But then I realized something, he had to. He had to remove himself, so if fraud could be found, it would rise to the surface of calm waters, instead of being hidden in the waves of splashing repubs and MSM, making the water murky.

And, was I hoping for a smoking gun. I was dismayed by only 1 senator, and only 33 reps standing up for us. Then I remembered.....West Wing. Yes, there was probably a lot of back room trading going on, but that was a GOOD thing. Watching West Wing has showed me that not everything you see or hear is what is true, not in politics. We may have gotten some political perks that we might never have gotten, if it weren't for todays contest.

Be happy, we did get something out of this. The repubs showed they were still jerks and we have a unity that we never had before Kerry. Now, if we can stay together, we can elect enough dems in 2006 to impeach Bush........wouldn't that make your day? LOL

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