KDKA Pittsburgh (big AM station - 1020 AM -- www.kdkaradio.com) liberal host Mike Romigh brought up the events of today, January 6
In addition to very supportive comments, Mike played tapes of Tubb-Jones, Kucinich, and that Pryce woman... then took calls for approximately 2 hours
He got a large volume of calls in that time, mostly all on the Election Fraud/Reform issue, and most were actually very supportive and knowledgeable. Only a couple of old ducks who argued if there's fraud, how do you prove it. etc.
Talk of reform going on into the future, needing to keep this issue in the public mind (one caller demanded to take it to the streets and demonstrate on a regular basis), people need to get educated about it, this being a passionate issue for many, etc.
KDKA has just about been taken over by the Pukes like O'Lielly and local neo-con lackeys like Honsberger and Pintek, so the two hours were welcome and the number of impassioned callers who DO UNDERSTAND this issue!