Okay, here we go. After 2000, being a Floridian, I was sure of the fraud, but only in the sense of the felon/voter list and roadblocks and such. I was fired up for 2004 - I was sure that it could never happen again. Well, it did, here and up north. Even during the recount when everyone was watching - didn't someone here post that they were assisting in the recount, and there were 50 Bush in a row, then 40 Kerry in a row. And I was heartsick and pissed. I moved from the RR forum to here, because there seemed to be so many intelligent, seriously dedicated people on DU. There were numerous statistical posts that I couldn't even hope to understand.
My mission was to bring this issue to light and make sure it never happens again. We all know that with free and fair elections, we would have a majority of Dems in the House and Senate. Well, I think that several of our Democratic leaders know this too. I also think that after Rep Conyers investigation, some of our leaders are sitting up and taking notice. And you all made it happen. You forced this knowledge down their throats. We found Keith Olbermann who reported some of what we sent him on PRIME TIME.
Now, about the vote yesterday. We all know how voting records are used in elections. Senator Boxer was the only one who NEEDED to sign. But SO many stood up with her to talk about election REFORM, my pet issue. If nothing comes of this, but National knowledge of voter fraud and serious election reform - we have won a great victory.
Kerry knew that even outstanding evidence of fraud would not put him in the White House, it would just put Blackwell in jail. This one is over - but the fight for free and fair elections isn't.
After 2000, we knew about the felon list-fraud. This time we knew enough to fight in advance to fix it. Now we know about the need for paper trails, machine disbursement, fake voter registration organizations and the ease of hacking these machines. We need to start NOW to fix this. If we can remedy these situations in the next two years - 2006 is OURS.
But we need to lift our heads up and work WITH out Reps and Senators who want to introduce legislation, and transfer the fervor that we had to bring Ohio to light to this new cause. Being angry because they didn't vote Yea will do nothing. We need to start letter-writing campaigns to Democrats, Republicans and Intendants on every level of government regarding Free and Fair elections. Who is stupid enough to not get behind that.
That said, I have a question. If Jeb (my Governor) and my state government whine about the cost of up fitting these paperless machines with a paper trail, can the citizens of a state volunteer to raise the funds to donate? I figure we donated millions for commercials, I bet we could find people to have bake sales for democracy. Thoughts??