From :
The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from New Jersey is recognized.
Mr. LAUTENBERG. Mr. President, ... there have been reports of systematic voter disenfranchisement and other problems in Ohio, such that we would be derelict in our duty if we failed to investigate it. ...
Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, a Republican, deviated from election law by severely restricting voters access to provisional ballots. He went so far as to reject voter registration applications based on paperweight and texture. Those actions and his complete unwillingness to cooperate with Congressman CONYERS investigation are deeply troubling. His actions are troubling, particularly because he didnt just serve as the chief election official of his State; he also cochaired the BushCheney campaign in Ohio.
Allowing a State official to oversee a Federal election and simultaneously serve as a partisan campaign official for a candidate in that election is a blatant conflict of interest and we have to put a stop to it. That is why later this month I am going to introduce the Federal Election Integrity Act, a bill to prohibit State election officials from overseeing Federal elections in which they play a partisan role on behalf of one of the candidates.
Secretary Blackwell is now running for Governor. He recently sent a fundraising letter to potential Republican donors. I think his letter underscores the need for my bill. The first page of his letter tells the story. In part, it says:
I have no doubt that the strong campaign we helped the President run in Ohio . . . can easily be credited with turning out record numbers of conservatives and evangelicals on election day.
It is not surprising that many people have no doubt that Secretary Blackwell also ran a strong campaign against other voters, namely minorities and Democrats.
Americans need to believe their election officials are beyond reproach. Allowing such officials to serve simultaneously in a partisan campaign capacity seriously undermines that confidence. That is why, regardless of what happens today, I will introduce the Federal Election Integrity Act. It is a step we can and should take to restore confidence that our elections are fair and the results are accurate.
I dont believe the objection the junior Senator from California has raised will be sustained this afternoon, but that doesnt mean we should not discuss the problems that precipitated the objection and do something about them in the future to assure that when the votes are counted, we know everybody has had a fair chance to cast their ballots and that there hasnt been any tinkering with them.
I yield the floor."