believe it's actually shown how it can be done.
Proving it is another legal battle all together. All suits and cases to view the software of any Electronic voting company has been denied due to their Propitary software clad agreements. The SOS has a copy legal document (or the basics of it) on file. That forbids even them from viewing it. These are the people who orders it.
Honestly I if your the SOS, you've been elected by the people. who therefor repersent the goverment. There shouldn't be this sort of law that forbids independent counsel from viewing the tabulator, E-voting software, registeration software. From being tested in a National Independent counsel and testing facility.
Networks, and other types of software are given access to attempting hacking to be sure there is no vunerabilites within a system. Why can't that be brought before a test group? If National Secruity is a big issue. Then so SHOULD the intergrity of our voting system.
There are only 37 states that actually endorse ITA Independent Testing Authority. But from what I have been reading, it's more like a 20 min demostration with a few Q&A's POST Power on self test (or piece of shit test)
Qualification tests to be performed by independent testing authorities (ITAs) designated by the National Association of State Election Directors;
Certification tests to be performed by the State; and
Acceptance tests to be performed by the jurisdiction acquiring the system
At some point this independent Testing Authority was Hijacked by the EAC Election Assistance Commision. WHY? WHY was it taken out of the hands of an Independent NASED and put into EAC?
Here is a interesting Tidbit that made my stomach drop. Written by the ITA director. Now the EAC.
HAVA was signed into law on October 12, 2002. The Commission was to have been created by February 26, 2003. However, The President did not submit his proposed nominees to the Senate until October 3, 2003. Senate Committee Hearings on the President’s nominees to the HAVA Commission were held on October 27, 2003. The nominations had not yet come to the floor for Senate approval as of November 23, 2004. None of the HAVA Committees and Boards has been established. Thus, the Technical Guidelines and compliance standards will not be available by the time that state implementation plans are due on January 1, 2004.
In order to qualify for HAVA funding and to comply with HAVA requirements, states have been contracting to purchase voting systems that can not possibly be HAVA compliant, (he goes on to say)
Prompted by aggressive lobbying on the part of manufacturers and vendors, and the advocacy of The Election Center, a one-man organization based in Texas, which operates as the self-appointed “Secretariat” to the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) the states’ response to the Help America Vote Act has been to replace older voting systems with computerized electronic voting systems, also know as Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) voting machines. Many election officials including Secretaries of States have been persuaded that there are no problems, and that what problems remain can be overcome via policies, procedures and guidelines they can implement at the local level. This is not accurate.
What do you all think about that!