In reference to the debate following the challenge, put forth by the Democrtats, to Ohio's Electoral College votesSomeone help me feel better about yesterday! Chocolate and good incense are not working, and I quit smoking three years ago! Here is what I feel conflicted about:
In a debate both sides of an issue are defended and attacked. The winner of the debate is the one who outlines their position in the most convincing way. The Democrats official reason for the debate was to Challenge the slate of Ohio's Electoral votes. According to many activists, and I include myself, the realistic purpose of the debate was to highlight the problems of our election system, and frame the issue as non partisan in order to position ourselves for meaningful election reform. With the official purpose of the challenge not being the real, purpose, we immediately became a soft target.
There was a Republican that said that if the Democrats were just doing this to discuss election reform, then this was not the place or time for doing that. He went on to say that they were supposed to be there to certify the Electoral College vote. Now JUST from a rigid debate standard, and I am no expert, he seemed correct. The Democrats in framing the debate, never made a real point about challenging the Electoral votes. I may have missed something as I had the Senate debate on my laptop, the Congress on my other computer, the phone in my hand and a friend arrived soon after the Senate vote.
A debate is a pretty formal endeavor. My son is taking a debate class right now, so I am extra sensitive to the format. From a formal view of the debate, the Democrats put themselves in the losing position by calling for a debate on an issue, then prefacing all their arguments with statements that seemed to apologize for the same position! At the least, they seemed to be qualifying themselves and the debate as ineffective. They did a brilliant job of outlining many of the problems with the election system, but did not follow through to the natural conclusion such an argument would merit. That conclusion, at least in argument, should have been a challenge to the slate of Electors from Ohio.
When the Republicans' stood one after another and offered no good arguments for excusing what happened in Ohio or elsewhere, they should not have won the debate. Their arguments were laughable, disrespectful, partisan and disgraceful. What makes me furious, is that when ALL the Democrats voted against Barbara Boxer, purely from a debate standpoint, they were siding with the Republicans' arguments over those of the Democrats. No matter how you try to frame that, by all standards of debate, they were saying in unison that the Democrats' argument was too weak, or the Republicans' message was stronger. That was pathetic, and it is what I can not get around or over. If we don't hand out consequences for wrong doing, crime definitely pays!
This is what the Republicans would have done to us: They would have started and ended every speech with something like "I challenge the right of Ohio to put forth these Electors because of the shoddy way the elections were handled!" Then as a block they would have voted to support the challenge. Even holding their noses! The election would still happen, and yes they would call it partisan, but unfortunately, it is. Fighting this group one must take the offensive, no amount of apology or concession will stop the abuse.
I want to feel better about it, and I certainly want to fuel the continuing investigation in the I hope that we can change our electoral system.
I am terrified of the nationalistic furor I see being encouraged by this administration and the corporate media. Most of my mom's family died in the holocaust, so I do not think my fears are unjustified...
I am angry, confused, and frustrated that we have let our country be taken over...again, and I am being told to "get over it" by Republicans, and Democrats...
Please do not flame me, or tell me I am "addicted" to being miserable, people that know me would not agree. I am truly looking for someone to give me some concrete reason to believe we will have democracy (the vote, and a truthful media) again/ever.