Normally I see little point in engaging numbskulls who prefer theatrics to rational discourse, but the normally just-slightly-annoying Neil Boortz managed to hit all the wrong buttons this morning and I'd like for all of us to give him a piece of our minds. Boortz decided to weigh in on Senator Boxer's actions yesterday. Here are some of the highlights...
"At the center of this supposed challenge was their claim that people in Ohio were "disenfranchised." That is, they weren't able to vote because of long lines, insufficient equipment, punch card ballots, and other such nonsense. These people believe that there is no way that Bush could have won the state by 118,000 votes, so there must be some explanation! Bear in mind that if the exact same set of circumstances had existed at the polling places, but the vote instead had gone to The Poodle, none of these people, that Pelosiland menace Barbara Boxer included, would be uttering one peep about insufficient equipment and long lines."
"I suppose that if Boxer had her way we would go on a hunt across Ohio to find every single person who, for one reason or another, did not vote and try to get their vote counted. Were you tired, your legs hurt, you had to pick up your children from school? Did you have an appointment at the local Little Saigon Nail Palace that you just couldn't miss? Did you see a cop car drive by a polling place and become frightened? Contact Barbara Boxer! Your vote should have counted!
"In the meantime, people in Afghanistan stood in line for over 18 hours to get a chance to vote. Do you think their legs might have hurt also?"
"Barbara Boxer and her dog-washer Stephanie Tubbs Whatever have embarrassed America. Their hatred of George Bush is stronger than any love they have for this country."
"Thanks, Barbara, for letting your hatred of George Bush overwhelm any love you may have had for your country."
Boortz claims to be a Libertarian but he's been an unapologetic shill for * during the past few years. He's also an arrogant blowhard with very little mastery of rhetoric nor much of a command of the facts or the issues. Big surprise there, eh? He deserves a thorough and savage beatdown for his cavalier dismissal of an issue that has been so near and dear to all our hearts. Perhaps he should read Conyers's report before he shoots off his big fucking mouth, wouldn't you say?
There are *so* many things wrong with his analysis, but I'm particularly appalled by this line: "Did you have an appointment at the local Little Saigon Nail Palace that you just couldn't miss?" Black stereotypes? Asian Stereotypes? Notice how he fails to mention that perhaps these people had to go to WORK or take children to SCHOOL?
Please join me in letting this idiot know how you feel.