I received this email from ContestTheVote.org and decided to share it. No doubt many of you have already seen it. If it has already been posted, I apologize for the duplication. In any case, for me at least it helped to put the events of yesterday into perspective. I really do think we can be proud of what we accomplished even though our democracy is still in the midst of a grave crisis. As DUer nadinbrzezinski said so well yesterday, this is only the beginning. He states "We are stepping in line with those patriots at Concord, as well as those patriots at Selma... we are trying to fill HUGE shoes... but we are those patriots, and it is time we retake the country, step by step, by step..." Herewith then, the email from ContestTheVote.org:
Thursday January 6th 2005: A Moment of Hope For The Entire World!
Today the people of the United States stood up against arrogance and fear...and both buckled. At the urging of tens of thousands of concerned citizens, California Senator Barbara Boxer joined the House challenge of the Ohio Electoral College vote. The result was the televised broadcast of dozens of charges of voter fraud to millions of watching Americans. Everyone could observe for themselves the attitude of denial taken by Republican representatives who were obviously unprepared to say anything of substance, much like their President.
The passion and fire of the members of the House Caucus was truly inspiring. Each one spoke with great sincerity and truth, weakly challenged by the "get over it" statements of those who sought to deny that there are any problems with our Democracy. In addition to acknowledging those brave members of the House of Representatives, we must individually write, phone, and fax OUR Senator Barbara Boxer. Without the support of Senator Boxer, we would have had a repeat of that ugly scene from Fahrenheit 9/11 where President-elect Gore told each Caucus member to sit down and shut up.
NO OTHER SENATOR JOINED SENATOR BOXER! They are still afraid to stand up to the White House Bully for fear of losing some of their own power. In addition, their staff could lose their premium parking spaces, another fact of life in the Democracy of the United States of America. It is now time for us to acknowledge Senator Boxer. (I will no longer refer to her as "Boxer".) Her contact info is below so you can write her your own message of support.
Tell her YOU will be there to help her when she needs your letters, faxes, and phone calls.
Tell her how grateful you are that she decided to represent YOU, rather than some unethical corporation.
Tell her you want to be added to her email list so YOU can be informed.
Tell her that without the action of the brave Senator Barbara Boxer, our Democracy would be no more than that hollow shell being forced upon Iraq.
I am so grateful to each of you for joining together in this struggle to take back our Democracy! This small victory will guide us to a future of restored compassion for all people, of all nationalities, ethnicities, and beliefs.
Thank you.
Chuck Lowery
Secretary CA Electoral College
member www.ContestTheVote.org
Senator Barbara Boxer's Contact Info:
Phone: 202.224.3553 (DC)
Fax: 202.228.3972 (DC)
Email: http://boxer.senate.gov/contact/webform.cfm