:::I have a question at the end of this peice:::
Thank Boxer, Tubbs Jones, Conyers and Others for Their Efforts
http://www.buzzflash.com/alerts/05/01/ale05006.htmlBuzzFlash has received a number of requests to make it easier for people to thank Senator Boxer, Congresswoman Tubbs Jones and all the Democrats who stood up for our democracy by calling attention to the problems with the 2004 election and the need for open and fair elections.
Excerpts from "Democrats Force Debate on Election Mishaps":
Boxer, Tubbs Jones and several other Democrats, including many black lawmakers, tried using the sessions to underscore the missing voting machines, unusually long lines and other problems that plagued some Ohio districts, many in minority neighborhoods, on Nov. 2.
"If they were willing to stand in polls for countless hours in the rain, as many did in Ohio, than I can surely stand up for them here in the halls of Congress," Tubbs Jones said.
"Our people are dying all over the world ... to bring democracy to the far corners of the world. Let's fix it here," Boxer said.
You can thank Sen. Barbara Boxer and Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones by visiting their web sites.
We should also thank Rep. John Conyers, Jr. for his tireless efforts to bring the 2004 voting problems to light and thoroughly exposing Ohio Sec. of State Ken Blackwell as the catalyst of the major voting problems in that state.
If you're still in the thanking mood, below are the 31 Congressmen and women who voted to support the objection by Rep. Tubbs Jones. Let them know their efforts will not be forgotten.
Corrine Brown (FL)
Julia Carson (IN)
William "Lacy" Clay Jr. (MO)
James Clyburn (IN)
John Conyers Jr. (MI)
Danny Davis (IL)
Lane Evans (IL)
Sam Farr (CA)
Bob Filner (CA)
Raul Grijalva (AZ)
Alcee Hastings (FL)
Maurice Hinchey (NY)
Jesse Jackson Jr. (IL)
Jackson-Lee (TX)
E. B. Johnson (TX)
Stephanie Tubbs Jones (OH)
Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI)
Dennis Kucinich (OH)
Barbara Lee (CA)
John Lewis (GA)
Ed Markey (MA)
Cynthia McKinney (GA)
John Olver (MA)
Major Owens (NY)
Frank Pallone Jr. (NJ)
Donald Payne (NJ)
Jan Schakowsky (IL)
Bennie Thompson (MS)
Maxine Waters (CA)
Diane Watson (CA)
Lynn Woolsey (CA)
I thought Nadler from NY was one Congressman to object ? Anyone ?