The first one is that, given how vociferous Kerry was during the campaign that every vote would count and that every vote would be counted, there's no way he can leave this lying out there. The Conyers report
alone is proof enough for any level-headed person.
The second is that we're starting to hear about Kerry's wide-net request to his colleagues not to contest the election. smells like another tactic to me (he knew that he didn't have the votes so why attract undue attention to his real plan).
Now, I've believed that he has a political bomb up his sleeve since before his trip to the Middle East. However, his actions there only have added to my belief. He has met with several of the foreign leaders whom he hinted during the campaign wanted him to win and his rhetoric while visiting our heroic troops has been very, very similar to his stump speeches and addresses during the campaign. He hasn't downshifted on bit!
Add to that the fact that Kerry already has seen what the second term has in store (Gonzales nomination, weakening of Endangered Species Act, privatization of Social Security, further cuts in Pell Grants, drilling in ANWR, elimination of all Pentagon environmental rules, wholesale housecleaning at CIA under Goss) and I
refuse to believe that he's doing anything other than pulling off an expert game of opossum right now.
As a prosecutor, he took on tough opponents. He helped reshape a languishing office and scored a big promotion in record time. John Kerry is the real deal and too much of a patriot to allow this travesty to go unanswered. He has until January 20th to pull a rabbit out of his hat and I believe that he can do it!