I don't know how I feel about this article:
(note: I'm not sure about the rules on posting articles in this forum so I only posted excerpts. If I find out I can post more, I will post the whole text)
http://www.dailyvanguard.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2005/01/07/41de50b277d8aThe donkey that refused to kickSpineless Kerry should have embraced evidence of election fraud, supported protests
Chaelan MacTavish
January 07, 2005
John Kerry, like Al Gore before him, does not deserve the presidency of the United States.
This is not because they are incompetent politicians. This is not because they lost their elections. No. It's because despite winning, Gore and Kerry refused to claim what was rightfully theirs.
Because he's a wimp, that's why.
Enter John Kerry (D-Mass. - get it? D-Mass?), one of those same senators from four years ago and a member of this year's senate. He could have reserved a place for himself in the pages of history by standing up and thundering, "Yes, Ms. Jones, I will join you in your call! I won that election and, by God, I will take that office!"
That is the kind of president we need.
What we do not need is a man who won't even show up when others claim his election for him.
There is not an acceptable amount of electoral fraud allowed by the Constitution. We need a fair election, and if we didn't get one then we need a new one.
But first, we need a candidate.
It's too bad there's not a donkey around who can kick anymore.
lots more here: