...and how it came true (for some).
http://radioinsidescoop.com/mt-posts-archive/000245.htmlIt's Conyers, appearing on Mark Levine's radio show, 'Radio Inside Scoop', on November 14.
One interesting thing. At around 14:00 or so the first caller, instead of asking about fraud, asks a question that struck me as prophetic, to an extent. It was about the prime responsibility of the Congress - to create and manage a fair and open voting system for all the people, not to avoid the issue and then have to respond to irregularities.
Conyers' answer: "Well, ah heh heh, that's a great question..." and then talks about the defunding of HAVA and the business ties, etc. with machine manufacturers. Good stuff.
Made me feel like the arc of this part of our resurgence was, indeed, a most positive one.
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