I guess there's simply no end to it:
Las Vegas SUN
Today: January 07, 2005 at 11:21:26 PST
Judges, candidates may have broken rules
Campaign-finance laws, ethics at center of election controversy
By Molly Ball
Several judges or judicial candidates appear to have violated both campaign-finance laws and judicial ethics canons during the 2004 election campaign, according to financial filings with the secretary of state's office.
Three candidates for judgeships
each paid $5,000 to appear on a flier that listed Republicans in the technically nonpartisan races for judges, university regents and school board.The donations appear in the filings of the Clark County Republican Central Committee. But the candidates did not list the contributions in their own campaign expense reports, as required by Nevada statute.
In addition, the state's judicial canons bar judicial candidates from publicizing their party affiliation, although they may state it if asked and the rule is the subject of some controversy.