This will be seen as a major, positive event, despite some of the futility claims. We need a FEDERAL standard for federal elections, and get that "state's rights" shit out of there. If states want to play games with their voting methodologies, let them, but when we vote for FEDERAL officeholders, we need a FEDERAL standard. If states don't go along, cut their federal funding till they scream for mercy. Then, of course, the challenge is deciding what the Federal standard will be. Being able to verify the vote, having a paper trail, having accurate recount capability, having proper ballot security, sufficient access for ALL voters so that some districts aren't carrying ten times the voter load as others, etc., etc....
And the fact that this hasn't happened since 1877 is significant, probably more so to the senators and reps than to the country at large, at least right now. But those congressional leaders have to be thinking--too late now!--of their place in history, or their missed opportunity, as a result of this rather unique political event. College students a hundred years from now will probably have a question on their college history quizzes that is answered with: c) "Barbara Boxer and Stephanie Tubbs-Jones." Profiles in courage!
And politicians, like any public figure with ego and power at their fingertips, are AWARE of their place in history....except weecowboy, of course, who majored in history, but doesn't worry about it, because he'll be dead (at least that's what he told Bob Woodward!).
I'm hoping for a sea change in this country. The latest poor AP Poll showing, without any post-election honeymoon to speak of, tells me that reality and awareness are is finally starting to shine through to the American knuckleheads who voted the wrong way.