With a so what? , the reps have said to the Dems Shut Up. The press says Shut Up. Even many Dem Representatives in Congress said Shut Up.What is next? Who really represents us? With the duplicitious dems again cowing to the reps on the right to vote, our Democracy is gone.With a repug judicial system the fix is in, for a long , long time.
I predict in another 4 years a repeat of what we saw on Thursday, the dems folding once again to the illegitimately power drunk reps.We will no doubt "rise up" as we did Thursday, then the report of all the election fraud documented will be again buried in the maw of the Congressional Record.
In eight years the same thing, and we will have the same dog and pony show.
Face it, the concrete fix of our two so-called free elections has set up after two successful election thefts , and an anestiscised , public and bought media ,and a weak to no opposition party to fight in Congress , it's over. Electronic fraud will replace the paper less problem, but the fixed elections will continue.
Until the people rise up , like in the Ukraine, it's over folks. The reps laugh openly at how they "deliver" their candidate by any means, shredding the Constitution, and noone really noticed. Yes a few "conspiracy theorists" did their thing, but were not taken seriously, ditto in 2008 20012 . It's over folks, until rightful indignation rears it's ugly head, but this will be staved off by a duplicitious media, and the repug ability to hold all the cards. Unless there is a scandel equaling Watergate, which Bob Woodward said would not come to light in today's press , it's a lost Republic folks. Welcome the the new United States , of, by , and for the corprafascists, F the people as dick cheney would say.