Washington D.C. Rally: Government By the People
PDA's Alysia Fischer
Part of the crowd attending to show Congress they meant business.
PDA's Tim Carpenter stands behind Rev. Jesse Jackson
Journalists' reports on the rally and the Congressional challenge of the Ohio vote count:
http://www.thenation.com/thebeat/index.mhtml?bid=1&pid=2108John Nichols, The Nation --"After two months of work by Greens, Libertarians and groups such as Progressive Democrats of America--which highlighted flaws in the practices and procedures of Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell--there was little question that a legitimate case had been made for challenging Ohio's electoral votes during what is usually a perfunctory post-election review by Congress."
William Rivers Pitt, Truthout (
http://www.truthout.org/docs_05/010805X.shtml) --"The greatest heroes in this process have been the ordinary Americans--the teachers and lawyers and builders and students--who took the time to write and call and fax and email members of congress in such volume that ultimately, the demand for action could not be ignored. By Thursday morning, every avenue of communication on Capitol Hill had become totally paralyzed by the amount of incoming messages from people who wanted to see something done. The other names on this list played their part, but were it not for you the people, their efforts would have come to nothing. It was an awe-inspiring performance, and was the reason why Thursday's challenge happened."
more info at www.pdamerica.org