scroll down past the evidence (which was incorporated into the record) ... about 1/2 down at link ... hunt for republican speakers
Mr. KELLER. "Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding me this
time. Mr. Speaker, there is a wise saying we have used in Florida over the past 4 years that the other side would be wise to learn: ``Get over it.''
"Is it not ironic that the very people who refuse to move on are the
people from and their hero Michael Moore?
"here's a wise saying we've used quite a bit in Florida over the past
4 years that the other side would do well to learn--Get over it. Isn't it ironic that the only people who refuse to ``move on'', are the people from ``move'', and their hero Michael Moore?
"My colleagues across the aisle have two sides to choose from, the
John Kerry side that acknowledges the election is over and President
Bush has won. Or the Michael Moore side that defines ``democracy'' as
Democrats going to the polls, and ``conspiracy'' as Republicans going
to the polls."
Mr. SHUSTER. "Mr. Speaker, I've been rather mystified over the
reaction to the recent election by many Democrats. Since the November
election, when a political opportunity arises, some on the other side of the aisle shout out words like ``fraud'' and ``sham.'' If they aren't doing that they demean what the people in the red states did on Election Day and call them insulting names.
"If this all seems to be the reaction of a shell-shocked party who has lost any vision and has moved to a vicious attack cycle--it is. The hard truth is that 58 million people voted for President Bush. And the even harder truth is that the majority of this country voted for President Bush, no matter how you try to confuse it. No proven
allegations of fraud. No reports of widespread wrongdoing. It was, at
the end of the day, an honest election."
~snip~ found this by first going to that page, look for:
1994 (Volume 140) through 2005 (Volume 151)
Browse the Congressional Record by Day of Session 2005
Simple (1994 forward)
and, click "Simple"
on the next page, I entered search words "opening statements"
on the next page:
Hit #5 is:
Size: 456403 , Score: 675 , TEXT , PDF , SUMMARY
~ hope this helps ~