Folks, we need to bitch to both.
We need the media to cover these stories, but we need the politicians to enact change.
The media may serve our needs by spreading the word to those who don't use the Net to get their news. But those of us who do, have little time to police the MSM and get them to do their jobs. We get our news from the Net, whether it's MSM-based or not. And I assume guys like Will Pitt who actually write a fair amount of that news, don't have time to bitch to the MSM either.
We need to write to our representatives, but if we also write to the media, others might take up the cause if their awareness is eventually raised.
So how do we do it all?
I was wondering if these tasks could be or should be divided somehow.
I can't blast the NY Times for their lousy coverage of the Ohio recount, for example, if I don't actually read the rag anymore to get my news.
It's fine to come here and complain about CNN, Faux, NYT, etc. but they really need to be blasted to their faces, so to speak, by those who actually pay attention to them. It's great to tell Olbermann he's doing a good job, if you think he is, but we need more Olbermanns, and they won't happen without us bitching about their absence.
Any suggestions about this? I know it's a bit of a rant, but those of you working on forming "groups" might be interested.