edited from an earlier post
Is it time for a new party?
I have been fantasizing lately about what would make up my ideal political party. like many folks here, I have been turned off lately by the Dem's with the exception of these folks:
http://shadowbox.i8.com/patriot.htm It would be great if all the Democratic leaders could show the values of Boxer, etc. - but I'm not so sure. Many of our elected leaders (Kerry may be in this camp) are career politicians who are much more interested in besting themselves within the system. They don't listen to those who elected them, or in Kerry's case - wanted them elected. Kerry was not listening to those who wanted him elected, if he was, he would have challenged in Ohio - he obviously is not listening.
Boxer stood up because we asked her to; she listened to what we had to say; she understood what we had to say; she became our voice.
I want my leaders to have guts.
I want my leaders to be inside the system working for me - I want them listening to me - I want them looking out for me.
Party Values (I wrote these pretty quickly, please add):
--every vote, no exception.
--Power moves toward the people, not away.
--Corruption will not be tolerated.
--Actions will be promoted through the mobilization of the people.
--The lobbying system will be ignored.
--Constant communication to and from the people from all elected officials (a community communication web-site like DU would be ideal).
--No platform on specific issues - all issues will be encouraged by the people with the input of elected officials.
--Elected officials will be utilized as an inside voice within the system.
--When a partisan issue is put forth for a vote in the house or senate, Party members will only vote if there has been encouragement from the people.
This is not a protest of the Democratic party. They work with what they have. Boxer and others like her, sadly, are a rarity. One could only hope that times are changing.