I want to bring DUers attention to this wonderful man, John Kinney, who sees our election problem very clearly, and who started a hunger strike for recovery of our right to vote--return to the paper ballot--two months before the election. In fact, his sacrifice alerted me to the importance of this issue, and, more than anything I read, prepared me emotionally for the trauma of Bush stealing the election.
After reading John's web site and communicating with him, before the election, it took me only a couple of hours to recover from election shock, and get moving on exposing the fraud and pushing to get rid of electronic voting machines. (I wrote a scenario for Michael Moore dumping Diebold machines into Boston Harbor, but I don't think it ever got to him.)
We have a lot of democracy heroes, but I think John may be our only democracy saint.
Visit his web site:
http://www.hungerfordemocracy.org/ The intro:
The Freedom Fast
My name is John B. Kenney and I have been on a hunger strike since September 7th to protect our Constitution’s guaranteed right to vote. I pledge to continue fasting until our vote is ensured.
Until our elected representatives or computer companies, such as Diebold, Sequoia and ES&S return our Paper Ballots and make them the primary vote, I will remain on hunger strike.
These devious computer companies, using “proprietary software”, literally “OWN” our vote!! They refuse to retrofit their electronic devices with printers. They must restore our inalienable right to vote.
In the words of one of our founding fathers, Thomas Paine, “The Right to Vote is the Primary Right… All other Rights are secured from it. Without this Right, we are reduced to slavery.”
In the words of ALL of our founding fathers and all true Patriots, “Give me Liberty, or give me Death.”
I love my life. I love my country. But I’ll live a free man, or perish in an attempt to reclaim our Liberty.
I am taking this drastic action because the exclusive use of electronic devices in our voting process puts the very foundation of our democracy at stake. This is a life or death or SLAVERY issue. When they own your vote…they will own you.
Not only do computer voting machines malfunction and break down, they are easy to tamper with in order to produce fraudulent results. --John Kinney