I was curious to see which states contributed to the national popular vote steal for *. The table below shows state by state numbers of votes received by presidential candidates in 2000 and 2004, differences between the votes from two elections, and net gains of votes by * in 2004 election. Note that the votes for Nader in 2000 were considered as democratic votes.

Here is the punchline: The only states where Kerry made a net gain of votes were the District of Columbia (by 17,288 votes) and Vermont (by 13,266 votes).
Vermont is the only state where paper ballots AND hand count are still used (37% of the total votes were hand-counted). Bush's net gains were small in Maine, New Hampshire, and Oregon where the state governments are strongly democratic.
More than 2 million votes for * came from California, Florida, New York, and Texas alone. Alabama, Georgia, New jersey, and, Tennessee gave * more than 250,000 votes each.
Here I strongly argue that we need to get rid of the computer tabulating machines controlled by partisan private companies and go back to
paper ballots AND hand counting.
I also argue that we should absolutely ban lever voting machines that don't produce any verifiable paper ballots. The states where the number of democratic votes declined the most are Connecticut and New York where the majority of voters still use the lever machines.