Edited on Sun Jan-09-05 05:03 PM by Blue_In_AK
Here is a draft of my letter to Senator Lisa Murkowski from Alaska. I've picked her because she's "new" and POSSIBLY (although doubtfully) isn't as corrupted as Ted Stevens and Don Young yet. Any suggestions will be appreciated. I want to get this in the mail tomorrow.
Dear Senator Murkowski,
While I don't believe you were present Thursday for the certification of the states' electoral votes, I'm sure you are aware by now of the courageous and historic stand taken by Sen. Barbara Boxer and Rep. Stephanie Tubbs-Jones and others protesting the certification of Ohio's electoral votes and urging electoral reform. You should also be aware that many thousands of U.S. citizens watching the proceedings on C-Span were appalled by the lack of empathy, and even downright racism, demonstrated by your Republican colleagues who so angrily voiced their objections to the protest. For them to take such a blatantly partisan stand against so many disenfranchised voters is completely unacceptable and shames the Congress. What is so frightening about assuring that every single person who is qualified and wants to vote is allowed to do so and assuring that every single one of those votes is counted?
I will be completely honest with you, Senator. I am a life-long Democrat, I supported and voted for Tony Knowles for senator, and in fact my husband and I donated to the recount effort here when he lost. However, because Alaska has paper ballots that can be verified by a hand count, and the recount showed that you legitimately received more votes, I trust that you are indeed my senator. I wish to commend you for the gracious manner in which you encouraged the recount to go forward without protest from you. That having been said, I want you to put yourself in the place of the thousands upon thousands of voters nationwide who cannot have such confidence that their votes were counted because of unverifiable touch-screen electronic voting machines with no paper receipt. Further, consider the thousands upon thousands who were not even permitted to vote because of misappropriation and withholding of voter machines in some poorer, mostly black, precincts resulting in 10-12 hour waits in the rain (I have seen the videos), while their neighbors in more affluent precincts were able to get in and out in 15 minutes. Senator, this just isn't right, and the system needs to be fixed -- and NOW.
I urge you to read Rep. Conyers' 102-page report regarding the election irregularities in Ohio (which is only one state that had problems) and then support election reform to guarantee that every registered American citizen is permitted to vote and that those votes will be counted. Obviously, the best solution would be paper ballots with a hand count. Barring that, there should at least be a receipt given to the voter documenting that his vote indeed went to the candidate he selected and was recorded. Anything short of this invites election tampering and fraud, which without safeguards could turn against Republican candidates as easily as Democrats. Computers are easy to hack and without paper verification, no one really knows if their vote was registered or not.
This is not a Republican versus Democrat issue, Senator. This is the foundation of our system of government. Every congressperson owes it to his or her constituents to assure that they will have free and fair elections, and that the will of the people will be enforced.
Millions of us are watching.
Very truly yours,
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