I was so sure more would at least be in the opinion pages, but this was a good one anyway:
Lawmakers launch historic protest of electoral vote
January 7, 2005
Thursday was a historic day on Capitol Hill.
Almost like the movie
Did you see "Fahrenheit 9/11"? The opening scene in Michael Moore's controversial pro-Kerry film has a string of House members -- led by the African-American members of the House -- pleading, just begging, for at least one senator to join them in objecting to the 36-day 2000 Florida recount. It would have been a symbolic protest, but symbols make powerful statements.
"Four years ago I didn't intervene, I was asked by Al Gore not to do so, and I didn't do so,'' said Boxer. "Frankly, looking back on it, I wish I had. I do. I have to admit that. I'm not one that likes to admit mistakes. But, it really wasn't about Al Gore, it was about the voters, and I made a mistake."
It was different this year. Once again, the Congressional Black Caucus led the charge; the disputed areas in Ohio were in many African-American precincts.
http://www.suntimes.com/output/sweet/cst-nws-sweet07.htmlIt was difficult picking 4 paragraphs, so you should read the whole thing, it made me feel good to see it in a paper that is basically read worldwide, and by a columnist that is respected.