I'm sure I'm not alone with this. I have had a significant drop in energy since the almost, but not quite, challenge that occurred on Thursday. It's taken me 3 days to post about it, to write about it, even to think about it. I've got many projects in progress relating to election fraud, not the least of which is the abnormal Broward County results.
What do I do now? It's not about trying to overturn an election, even if there never really was a chance anyway. There's definitely no hope for that now. I know that this election was stolen. I know that the administration had a hand in it, either directly or indirectly. I know it can be proven. Maybe not for a few years, but it can be proven. I am convinced of this. Too many pieces fell to the right side. To the side that had the money, to the side that had the means, to the side that had the motive.
Means and motive, that's the key. The means were prevalent, no question about it. O'dell, Blackwell, Feeney, Hagel, it's all there. The opportunity for fraud is about as absolute as it can get. The motive is there also. The Saudi money, the Iraq grudge, the evangelical right that continually shoved in America's face. I honestly cannot see the viewpoint of the "Liberal Left" media. I only see the bias that is the right-wing political agenda. The latest breakthrough that there was actually a pundit paid to promote this agenda proves to me its truth. I am on the brink.
The brink of what, I'm not sure. Of undecision. Of non-commission. Of not caring. That is what it boils down to. I didn't care about politics prioir to 11/2. Not really, anyway. It wasn't life or death, it wasn't a priority. But now, it is. Life or death for my unborn children. A priority for democracy. If we can't vote, we can't live. That's the bottom line. The fundamental institution of our nation is our ability to vote. And I feel it slipping away. Where will it slip away to? What happens next? Jeb Bush '08? Fuck. Same thing over and over again. When will it stop? I see no end.
The only thing I have left is to keep digging, to keep turning numbers, to keep making phone calls. I have to try to validate second hand what cannot be verified firsthand. Forget certification. We need soldiers to try and validate, or even better yet, to negatively un-validate. Bottom line. Prove fraud. That's our new MO. Prove fraud. It's going to take quite a lot of unprecedented evidence, meaning more evidence is required to prove this than to prove anything else in the history of our country. For if we fail, our country is dead. Gone. Swept away forever. Think the Romans. Think the Greeks. It's gone. Fifty years from now (my lifetime), we will live in a state that is riddled with violence, with class supremacy, and with a royal family. I fully see this in our future.
Unless we act. Act now. Keep plugging away. Keep voicing our thoughts. Keep chugging the numbers. Keep getting affidavits. Keep trying. We have to keep trying. It's the least we can do to protect our future. Our children's future. Act now.
- BJ