I suspect you feel about the NYT the way I once felt about the Washington Post. I bought it every day and enjoyed it greatly...until Whitewater and the Lewinsky affair. Then I noticed it was not much more than a scandal sheet that avoided real issues.
Why is the term "morans" appropriate for the NYT:
(1) They ignored the unbelievable scandal of race-based vote blocking in Florida which caused Gore to lose, irrespective of any recount issues. 50,000 black Floridians had their registrations expunged because they matched up with a TX generated, Republican firm developed, Jeb Bush administered voter purge. This was not a mistake, it was deliberate. Since almost 90% of blacks voted in 2000 in Florida and 90% of those voted for Gore, that meant about 40,000 blacks tried to vote for Gore and were sent home. It's a fact. This is THE biggest electoral scandal I can think of because Gore only lost by a few hundred votes. This should have been shouted from the roof tops, front page, scandal, etc. etc. The NYT did nothing with this. If they are the paper of record, this is the record they did not publish. They are "morans" and worse, violators of their claim to the public trust. This is indisputable.
(2) The NYT funded and pushed Judith Miller's advocacy of WMD very hard. Of course, her source was a man the US has accused of spying for Iran (Chalabi) and not much more. Think of the lives, dead and injured, and the funds wasted based on the premise of WMD. The NYT also ignored the joke evidence presented by the WH on the claimed nuclear program (piping that even US Govt. energy experts said was not nuclear). The Miller front page drum beat for WMD was the legitimizing factor in the administrations drum beat for war. The NYT was dead wrong with Miller and was asleep at the switch with the claimed nuclear threat. This is outrageous for a news organization that claims to be thorough. The NYT was a key player, by act (i.e., Miller) and poor investigation (i.e., claims of nuclear programs), in the march to war. The paper has blood on its hands.
I'm really not interested in their self-analysis after the fact. Their inability and unwillingness to cover a true theft of an election, Florida 2000 and the disenfranchised 40,000 or so black Gore voters and their extremely sloppy advocacy for WMD and thus war makes any public introspection after the fact meaningless. These errors are so egregious that admission (although not full) and apologies after the fact are meaningless.
The NYT is actually much worse than Fox because they know better. There should be a total house cleaning there with everyone from top to bottom involved in either of these stories fired. There wasn't, there will not be such a house cleaning.
Thus, my conclusion that the NYT="morans."