Mr. Mathers,
My name is Shannon. I am writing to plea with you. I feel a desperation. It is the desperation that only someone who has come through adversity can understand. It is a desperation i am sure you are feeling as well. I am a mother of three young girls. I am watching as my children's nation is being destroyed. There is a helplessness to this situation that i am unprepared for. Since childhood, in life when a battle arises i confront it and right it. The war we are facing now is larger than each of us as individuals. We are fighting a giant machine. We need to disable it. We cannot do this divided. And we are divided. There are countless groups with no unified goal. The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. Wars cannot be fought this way. This is certainly not the way the Bush machine works. Their unity is thier strength. Their unified voice, soul and mind. A hive mentality with a unified goal of self progression and destruction. They are mutating our constitution to serve their own image. We need to restore our power as a people before the only option left available to us is by blood. Everyday i spend countless hours searching, countering, writing and analyzing. I cannot sleep.
I want to ask you to make a call to action. You have the influance and the fearlessness to unite groups in this cause. We need to MOSH the SOB. I am a member of the Democratic Underground. We took action along with other groups and sent tens of thousands of letters to our Congressmen. It succeeded. But it was simply the first battle in the war. The media has blacked out any truth about this cause. We need to make it heard far and wide. I can think of NOBODY to do this as well as you. It comes to a point where we must admit, if we are not fighting the problem, we are part of it.
We have seen something in you that we recognise in ourselves. There is a fight inside that knows truth. A fight that realizes without a battle for good, the victimizers takes over and feeds off of people's pain, grief and suffering. Weakening people so grievously that they forget how to fight. Those of us that, by God's grace, were able to somehow rise above this destruction can clearly see the rape that is going on now.
We are obligated to do this for the people we love. My younger brother, a fan of yours, had joined the military to protect our nation. He was 19. Completely healthy when he joined. They injected him with an experimental vaccine. He began to have siezures. They took a year and a half of his life away from him while they studied him, only to determine, the problem was not theirs. Medical discharge. They refuse to provide medical. He is bound to a lifetime of expensive meds to try and keep it stable. We did not have him with us this Christmas. Two grand mol siezures the day before left him too weak to attend. They destroyed his health. His future could be very dim. With grave debt, from medical care, and unable to hold a job, he has lost hope. He knows what this vaccine has caused in others. Birth defects of thier children, blood clots on their brains and hearts, cancer, lifetime pain and weakness. The military knows that 30 to 80% of people have experienced these side affects. They are tryin to reinact mandatory vaccinizations again. We have to fight them now. They are destroying the youth of our nation. Our only hope for the future. It will not be long before your daughter and mine will be of this same age.
Bush thinks he has four years to finish what he has started.
I read an interesting paper recently (see link below, if you're interested in reading it in full), comparing the fascist regimes of several countries: Germany under the Nazis, Fascist Italy, Spain under Franco, Salazar's Portugal, Papadopoulos's Greece, Pinochet's Chile, and Suharto's Indonesia. The author found several things in common between each of these regimes:
1. An extreme nationalism, expressed by waving of flags, a near obsession (by politicians and by the populace) to show one's patriotism, an expressed desire for unity, extreme pride in the military, and xenophobia.
2. A view that human rights should take a back seat to the goals of the ruling elite. Those whose rights were being trampled were marginalized and/or demonized in the media, so that the populace could get used to "those people" being abused. When abuse became rampant, extreme secrecy was employed.
3. The use of designated scapegoats to deflect the populace's attention from other problems and issues. Relentless propaganda and disinformation were extremely effective in keeping the people's attention focused where the leaders wanted it focused: on those demonized "others".
4. Avid militarism, with a disproportionate share of government money going to support the war machine.
5. A controlled mass media.
6. Obsession withnational security. Even the most heinous acts were excused under the banner of "national security". Questioning the leaders' doings would lead to being branded as unpatriotic, perhaps even traitorous.
7. The predominant religion of the region becomes tied to the ruling elite.
8. Power of corporations was protected, even while ordinary citizents steadily lost more and more of their rights.
9. A general disdain of, and even suppression of, intellectualism and the arts.
This is meant to be only a brief summary of some of the points that were mentioned in the paper; more details and several more points are mentioned much more clearly than I can hope to in this brief post. Here is one of the many sites where you can read the entire text: the destruction of the filibuster planned and the "nuclear option" in the fraudulant majority in the Senate, we will at some point have no power but through blood to stop them. So again i offer you a plea, call for action. Stand with us. We cannot afford to wait. The time is RIGHT NOW. I welcome you to the Democratic Underground. Will Pitt, from Truthout, along with countless other brilliant people there, have worked tirelessly to bring to light the fraud used to steal this election. The proof is undenyable.
God bless you for the great things you have done. There are children across this nation who, through your music, feel they can make it and know that they are not alone. I wish i had words to thank you for this. Shannon