"You should not make assumptions about someone because they ask for proof of something. How would you know I am "anti-election fraud wherever it comes from"? You're mistaken."
I think you don't understand what I said. I was complimenting you. I assumed your ethics were consistent, that you are someone who IS anti-fraud no matter where it comes from. Are you seriously saying that I am mistaken, that you DON'T care about election fraud no matter where it comes from, but ONLY care about anti-Kerry election fraud? If that is what you are saying, I guess there is no room for this discussion, as you have closed your mind and are acting purely on an emotional rather than logical level with this issue.
As to your other questions, here are some anti-Bush reported election fraud events which I found with a 20 minute Google search (see my note below):
Pennsylvania mailed out absentee ballots to residents currently living out of state, including military voters overseas but also voters temporarily residing in other states. Those ballots included Ralph Nader as one of the choices, but a Pennsylvania court later ruled Nader ineligible for the ballot. New absentee ballots were sent, and Gov. Rendell (D) – refused to extend the deadline for voters to return them. Meanwhile, there was a great deal of confusion over whether votes already cast on absentee ballots that listed Nader were tossed out. Many voters overseas did not have sufficient time to receive, complete, and return a new ballot. While eventually the old ballots were ruled to be valid, with Nader votes counting as a write-in vote, reports were rampant that people had already tossed out the old ballots, but had not received new ballots in time to send them in for Election Day. Clearly SOME voters were disenfranchised, but we have no idea how many, and most people here don’t seem to care that much because it involves so many military voters who are more likely to vote Bush.
In Ohio, there was ACTUAL PROVEN FRAUD in the registration process. While the people were fired, nobody seems to be doing much to correct THAT problem for future elections here. Why? I suspect it’s because this is an issue that does not go CLEARLY against Democrats, so it remains a low or non-priority. In fact, the official Democratic party line in Ohio for that issue was “The fraud uncovered in Ohio equates to "minor errors" when viewed in the bigger picture.”, even though the groups paid people to register voters with registrations filled out for dead people, containing fake addresses, and others named fiction characters such as Dick Tracy and Mary Poppins. This is old time Chicago type fraud.
http://www.cincinnati.com/text/local/2004/10/20/loc_fraud20.htmlIn Wisconsin, prisoners voted, even though it is illegal to do so in that state. Nobody here seems to care much though, I suspect because those votes tend towards Democrats.
http://www.theamericanmind.com/mt-test/archives/015807.htmlTwo convicted felons were also hired to register voters in Wisconsin, also illegal:
http://www.theamericanmind.com/mt-test/archives/015835.htmlIn South Carolina, bulk mail was sent to six of South Carolina's poorest counties falsely promising vaccinations if they came out to vote (they didn’t HAVE to vote, but they had to show up on the voting day, making it more likely they would vote). Again, people here didn’t seem to care much that this was possibly an illegal bribe to encourage people to vote, I suspect because the people were more likely to vote Democratic.
http://www.jquinton.com/archives/002060.htmlIn North Carolina, there are many eyewitness reports of poll workers “guiding” people to vote for Kerry. No call for investigations here at DU.
http://blogcritics.org/archives/2004/10/31/005259.phpAlso In North Carolina, illegal aliens were registered and did actually vote in the election. However, I suspect because they tend to vote Democrat, folks here are not looking into the issue.
https://registration.charlotte.com/reg/login.do?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.charlotte.com%2Fmld%2Fcharlotte%2Fnews%2Fpolitics%2F10001227.htmBetween both North and South Carolina, more than 60,000 voters were registered to vote, and may have actually voted, in both states. However, I suspect that because we do not know how these people tend to vote, there is no call for an investigation here at DU that I have seen.
http://www.charlotte.com/mld/charlotte/news/politics/10001227.htm?1cIn Florida, the Justice Department, with state authorities, is still investigating to determine whether voter-registration applications filled out by Republicans and taken by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), a coalition member, purposely were not submitted to state election officials as part of a Democrats-only voter-registration drive. Mac Stuart, a former ACORN field director, told investigators that workers for the organization routinely withheld Republican voter registrations, while "thousands of invalid voter-registration cards" were submitted in their place. He said he was ordered by ACORN officials to generate 103,000 voter registrations from Dade County. And, like all the other cases I’ve mentioned here, we don’t talk about this type of voter fraud here at DU much, for obvious reasons.
None of this even mentions the SERIOUSLY flaws with the early exit polls. Nobody wants to deal with the fact that, if massive REGISTRATION fraud took place (which it seems like it did), then that can throw off the early exit poll weighting (since they use registered voters as one weighting factor). If people voted more than once in different counties or even states, or were ineligible to vote, then that too throws off exit polls. And, of course, all the other previously-detailed early exit poll flaws, such as over-weighting for eastern states, for Democratic voters, for women, and for time of day.
I found all of this in about 20 minutes of Google searching. Now, I am not saying that ANY of this is necessarily true, or as important as other election fraud issues. However, I am saying there is a distinct lack of interest to discuss these fraud issues that go in the other direction (against Bush), and continued repetition of the claim that all reported fraud went anti-Kerry (which is just plain false).
We should look into these claims with the same zeal we look into the anti-Kerry fraud claims if we want to be taken seriously. It’s not only happening against Kerry simply because we tend to only look at the anti-Kerry stuff and focus on that. Problems seem to have occurred ANYWHERE we look closely, and they appear on the face of it to go both directions.