If you want to have some fun with hate radio without listening to the shows, you should copy down the "call-in" numbers listed below and once or twice a week call the numbers to get on the air. You don't have to listen to the shows, but you do have to know when the shows are on so your call will get on the air. If your call is answered, it will be by a call screener. Their job is to "screen" calls to weed out intelligent opposition and pass through to the host those calls that support the host's views. They also will occasionally put on the air the most extreme, whacko Lefty they can find for the host to beat up for a few minutes. If your call is answered, you should immediately gush praise for the host and say that you are mad about what the liberals are trying to do to America. Don't specify a topic and hopefully the screener will ask you questions that you can use to clue in to what the topic is. Sometimes you will get a live feed of the show while waiting for the screener and that can help you identify the topic. Regardless, just continue to rail on liberals and if things look dicey, just mention that it is probably Ted Kennedy's fault and they will likely shoot you to the top of the call list. When you get on the air, START SLOW! Don't just blurt out your message. You can deliver quite alot of your message by gradually drawing in the host and then BLAMMO! Let 'em have it! The shows are on delay so if you just blurt out a naked message, you will be bleeped. If a few hundred people carry around the 800 numbers and call once or twice a week, it will make it more difficult for the shows to operate without hiring actors to pretend to be the audience. With cell phones you can call while in line at the grocery or waiting for your car to get washed or whenever you have a free moment.
Rush - Show Call-in Number 1-800-282-2882
Sean Hannity - 800-941-7326
Dr. Laura - 1-800-DR-LAURA
Boortz call-in number: (877) 310-2100
Michael "WEINER" Savage - 1-800-449-8255.
Laura Ingraham - Call-in number 1-800-876-4123
Bill O'Reilly - Call-in number 1-877-9-NO-SPIN
http://www.indynewsblog.comThe Freeway Blogger has a hilarious strategy for tying up hate radio and making the more volatile hosts lose control. He calls the shows and fools the screeners into thinking he will support the hosts views. When he gets on the air, he slowly starts to inject more and more truth and finally, he unloads the main message. He has a few examples of shows he has done. The snippet of his call to Savage is hilarious and worth a read.