to the best of my knowledge, there haven't been amy terrorist warnings since the election. How ironic. The last threat occurred during the elections in Warren County during the election.
Among Fema's many powers (including the right to suspend the Constitution) is thw power to take over the Communication Media, All that is required is a signature from the sitting President.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
So, Osama appears on TV before the election and there is all of the BS talk about him possibly doing another 9/11 bit.
Couple that with the threat to a building directly involved in the election and it's not such a stretch for the Prez and co. to say that the elections/democracy are or have been attacked and bring in FEMA with it's billions budget. Wouldn't take that much money or energy to contact the major MSM owners and News Directors to institute a lockdown on all election stories. Also,and I am working on memory here, Bush did pass through Legislation that gave the Administration the power to "leak" fake stories to the Press with the objective being fooling the enemy.
Adjusting tin-foil now.