Dear friends and fellow Duers -
As you know there has been some dissension in the ranks of DU regarding the 2004 election irregularities, and particularly, Senator Kerry's role in the entire process.
While a large number of Kerry's supporters remain faithful that Kerry is pursuing the matter in the most logical and effective way possible, there is also a contingency that is not in agreement with his actions, and feels let down, abandoned, and dissatisfied with his actions thus far.
Which is fine.
MOST of us are loyal Democrats/Liberals/Greens/Progressives, etc. - or any combination of those...we may differ on who our favorite politicians are, and what our course of action ought to be in the future, but the majority of us are at least little left of center. Most of us support progressive politics, and most of us belong here at DU.
What concerns me (and many other DUers I have recently conferred with) is the recent influx of "users" who are opportunistically latching onto these "election irregularities" threads in an attempt to deliberately disrupt and promote discord. These people are clearly NOT progressives, but freepers, who are enjoying a veritable feeding frenzy because of all the uncertainty in our camp regarding the election, and in particular, Kerry's role in the investigations. Several of these individuals have been tombstoned, but many more are out there. The general consensus among many users, basically, is that DU is swarming with trolls right now. Maybe worse than ever before. And these are not always the "hit and run" ones who drop an F-Bomb and flee, but who lurk for weeks and months, logging hundreds, and sometimes 1000+ posts, that are either subtly or downright disruptive. Many create a profile and attempt to blend in.
While it is natural for any thread on the topic of Election fraud and John Kerry to garner a large number of responses running the gamut from I support him and he's doing a great job" to "I am disappointed in him, he could have done better/more/different" - there are a number of particularly troublesome disruptors who frequent these types of threads only, and repeatedly say things like "coward," "weak fuck," spineless bastard" "lying sack of shit" "traitor" "flip-flopper" "dick" "asshole" etc...you get the picture. When one attempts to engage in discourse with such individuals, one gets evasiveness, more of the same, or personal attacks. This is suspicious. Granted some of these folks might be REALLY PISSED OFF Duers who are venting, so I can only encourage those people to try refrain from using those words and phrases to describe any progressive candidate, simply because it feeds the trolls and helps them to divide us. By all means, speak your piece, but avoid giving these unwanted visitors fodder. Even if you are livid with Kerry or any other Democrat the "admit nothing" system can and often does have its merits when freepers are watching and feeding. I will not attempt to tell you what to say on this board, I can only graciously ask. It's ultimately your decision. Enough said on that.
Another type of thread that these trolls like to crash is the ones pertaining to Kerry's visit to the middle east. The fact that Kerry is visiting world leaders and meeting with our troops, and is being well received, KILLS the freepers, and they are hijacking these sorts of threads attempting to promote the rhetoric that "the military hates Kerry" "he shouldn't be there." A real thorn in their side is the fact that the final statistical tally on how our military voted has never been released. We all know that if Shrub-hole got the military vote, the MSM, especially Faux Snooze, would have been screaming it from the rafters from day one, and still would be to this day. We'd still be hearing about it. LOUDLY.
One recently tombstoned troll claimed "no military veterans voted for Kerry - that's why we lost." This prompted some users who ARE veterans to step up and challenge the troll - she crashed and burned in a slew of misspelled obscenities, and was promptly tombstoned. With that little ditty in mind, be prepared for the wave of freepers entering these threads claiming they have "happened to have bumped into some soldiers returning from Fallujah yesterday who told them that all the American troops are thrilled to be there and support Shrub 100%."
Never in my life have I met SO many people who happened to have bumped into soldiers returning from Fallujah the day prior, with nothing but glowing stories of how great it is over there!
So please, be aware of disruptors who have a lot of swearing, insults and fantastic tales of the "Oasis of Peace and Democracy" that Iraq is right now (thanks to Shrub) to offer, but little else in the way of conversation. Especially if they are unable to back up these claims with any verifiable or even remotely believable details. If you notice users who do a whole lot of griping, but seem to never participate in legitimate discourse about progressive politics, that might be a red flag. Don't be afraid to alert the mods. Remember, it is not tattling, if someone is genuinely disrupting and you just forward the message to them and ask them to check out that person's posts. The moderators have way too much traffic on this site to catch every infraction, and there is no harm in pointing out suspicious activity. This is a progressive site after all, so why let the trolls run amok? Send them back to freeper land where they belong and let them spread their B.S. over there.
They have their own boards on which to rant and rave all they want. This is a board catering to progressive politics, and while other viewpoints are welcome, attacks, disruption, and the spread of propaganda shouldn't be. I'd hate to see the little leeches take over.
Just a thought...thanks guys, and for those of you who are legitimate supporters of D.U. regardless of your opinions of Kerry or Election Fraud, thanks and keep up the good work.
Be vigilant, DUers!