...the war profiteers in and out of government (or rather all intertwined)
JFK '63: At the height of his powers, just as he was becoming suspicious of the CIA (after Bay of Pigs) and had decided to de-escalate in Vietnam (a CIA pet project)
MKL '68: At the height of his powers, just after he began speaking out against the Vietnam war and its racist aspects, and had begun to address hardcore economic issues.
RFK '68: At the height of his powers, just after he turned against the Vietnam war, and was running for president as an antiwar candidate, and who was also strong on poverty and other progressive issues--highly charismatic, he was going to win!
(Hiatus--no great liberal leaders for a while--all dead. Carter okay in some ways, but let Reagan get away with committing treason by negotiating with Iran to delay hostage release until after '80 election)
John Lennon '80: Truth-teller. No matter that he didn't tell the truth about Paul--he did on everything else--held in high regard by most people and in high suspicion by the government which tried to deport him. Shot dead in New York, at the height of the slaughter in El Salvador and amidst planning for other US-connected war crimes in Central America (the war on Nicaragua among them).
(Again--no great liberal leaders--Clinton is hardly a liberal, nothing like the greats of the '60s--which is probably why he is still alive.)
Mel Carnahan '00: Opposed John Ashcroft for Senate. Plane fell out of the sky. People voted for the dead candidate over Ashcrap; Carnahan's wife was then appointed, and Ashcrap went on higher things (Jesus, prosecuting Greenpeace).
Paul Wellstone '02: At the height of his powers, had decided to take on the Senate fight against the Iraq war--powerful progressive, also charismatic and fearless. Plane fell out of the sky; experienced pilots; good plane with wing de-icers; other planes--no problem that day--weather okay; FBI on the scene early, for many hours, against protocol.
And lots of character assassination in between (for instance, Howard Dean). Upshot: No leader will be permitted to take power--or gain power--who is against unjustified, large scale, senseless slaughter wars, that greatly benefit the war profiteers in media, government and the "private sector" (i.e., produces nothing but bloodshed and destruction; sucking on the taxpayers' tit).
Lesson: We are a people, a community, who must create our lives and our government by ourselves, with no reliance, or only limited reliance, on leaders, each one doing our part for the whole. There is no other way, with dark forces like these at large in our world.
And it should be no wonder, given this list of losses--every one of them under suspicious circumstances, with the real culprits unknown--that our elected leaders, the Democrats, seem like deer frozen in the headlights (except for a few, and even those cannot say everything they might like to). Pity and compassion are in order--even for people who gave away our right to vote, and gave away their own consitutional right to declare war. WE weren't anthraxed--so we really can't judge them, as to personal courage.