Got this first issue of the "Dayton Digest" newsletter in my e-mail. He is my senator and I have already begun working with his office locally. I encourage anyone with a senator in a position to "make change" begin an ongoing dialogue in your state.
Issue 1
Jan. 2004
Welcome to the Dayton Digest!
Happy New Year! This month we are unveiling the innaugural edition of the Dayton Digest, our periodic email newsletter where you can find information on Senator Dayton's work for Minnesotans, updates from the campaign trail, and ways that you can get involved and make your voice heard.
From Washington
Dayton Calls for Immediate Electoral Reform
In the wake of the second consecutive Presidential election that left many voters feeling disenfranchised, Mark vowed to use his position on the Senate Rules Committee, which oversees election law, to demand immediate election reform. In a speech on the floor of the Senate, Mark pledged to fight for this legislation over the next 2 years and called on his colleagues to support measures that "safeguard this process so that, in fact and in perception, the American people know they had the right to vote, the chance to vote, and their vote was counted, and that the will of the majority ... was faithfully, honestly, and accurately carried out by everyone responsible for doing so." Dayton Supports Measure to Encourage Tsunami-Relief Donations
Senator Mark Dayton is a cosponsor of a bipartisan measure designed to spur even greater donations to relief organizations working in the areas devastated by last week's earthquake and tsunami. Under this measure, people would be able to choose to retroactively claim deductions for January donations on their 2004 tax returns.
Read More: Dayton Visits Iraq
Senator Dayton joined Senator Lieberman for a trip to the Middle East right at the end of December. Mark received a sobering assessment of the situation in Iraq, stating that "the sense is that the insurgency has become more sophisticated and advanced in its planning and execution." Dayton, who voted against the resolution authorizing the use of force in Iraq, has been out front to make sure our troops have the support they need. Building on his strong record as an advocate for veterans, Sen. Dayton has also taken the Administration to task for not doing their utmost to ensure the brave men and women in Iraq have the armor and equipment they need.
Read Mark's full assessment of his trip: the Issues
Medicare Rx Drug Program
A longtime advocate for health care issues, Senator Dayton now explains why the recently-passed Medicare reform bill provides inadquate protections for seniors trying to cope with the ever-rising cost of prescription drugs.
Read More: Security
President Bush's plan to privatize social security has been a much talked about policy initiative. Mark is talking about it too, but what he has to say is quite different from what the Republicans would like you to hear.
Read More: Involved!
Sign Up to Volunteer
To help win in 2006 we will need thousands of volunteers all over Minnesota. If you want to be involved in this massive grassroots movement please sign up to volunteer now and we will make sure to contact you as volunteer opportunities become available in your area.
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3010 Hennepin Ave South, PO Box 297
Minneapolis, MN 55408
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