tells lawmakers he only trusts paper ballots
1/7/2005 4:16 PM
By: Associated Press
(RALEIGH) - A computer expert speaking to a legislative panel on Friday said he wouldn't trust a voting system that relies on computers.
Chuck Herrin spoke to a legislative panel trying to sort through the problems that plagued North Carolina in the November elections.
Calling himself a "certified ethical hacker," Herrin said he would never trust systems with computers because he breaks into them for a living. He says he only trusts paper ballots.
The legislative panel on electronic voting systems wants to give recommendations to the General Assembly when it convenes later this month. Interest in the panel grew after a touch-screen voting machine error caused 4400 votes to disappear in Carteret County.
The missing votes, which couldn't be recovered, threw the close agriculture commissioner's race into doubt. The State Board of Elections ordered a new statewide election, but that's being appealed.
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