Disinformation and lies have brainwashed the country into thinking that the Republican Party is the party of morals, truth, patriotism...etc.
The antidote to disinformation is the truth.
The truth is:
The Bible says "thou shalt not kill." The Bush administration has killed at least 50 times more civilians in Iraq than Bin Laden did in NY. The Republicans do not follow the teachings of the Bible.
The Bible says "thou shall not bear false witness," in other words, don't lie. They lied to us about weapons of mass destruction.
They claim to be the party of patriotism, but they do not favor voting rights and their "patriot" act takes away our basic rights and is unpatriotic.
I could go on...
Friends, the tools are here for us to change the minds of the american people. We must point out how their claims on morals, truth, honesty, are simply not true and in fact the opposite is true. The facts are on our side. All we have to do is point to the truth.
Election reform is vital, but it also must be done in concert with taking back what is righfully ours.
Democrats: the party of morals Democrats: the party of honesty Democrats: the party of compassion
let's do it.