WOW...I'm thrilled that you want to discuss this Jerry. I'm going to take my time and go over each and every question that you raised...to the best of my ability. This IS THE ONLY WAY we can fix this country is to talk with each other about these issues. Thanks! for your questions and your interest - You are a good American! Would you be interested in helping us educate other Americans and advocating for voter verified paper ballots? 1. >>Becky, if any of the charges below are true, then "proof" needs to be provided and those responsible should be charged.<< There are several groups investigating the charges, most notably the House Judiciary Committee. Lawsuites have been filed in several states. There are serious allegations in two lawsuits pending in Ohio that debate the constitutionality of the denial of provisional ballots to voters (The Sandusky County Democratic Party v. J. Kenneth Blackwell) and Ohio's vote recount (Yost v. David Cobb, et al.). These legitimate questions brought forward by the lawsuits, which go to the core of our voting and Democratic process, should be resolved before Ohio's electoral votes are certified. http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=109&STORY=/www/story/01-06-2005/0002773584&EDATE=2. <<Why couldn't the Democrats assure that there were adequate voting machines in their precincts? Surely, they were not out-maneuvered by those pesky Republicans.>> Damschroder delivered an excess number of voting machines to the suburbs while inadequately supplying the predominantly Black precincts in Columbus. Of those precincts, 59 out of 74 had less than one machine per 300 voters; in the suburbs 58 out of 73 had more than one machine per 300 voters....In Cuyahoga County fewer machines were available for the November election than were used in the primaries. All over the state machines were kept in storage while others malfunctioned. This led people to wait in line in driving rain as long as 10 hours. It may never be known how many had to leave without voting, but one poll watcher who testified suggested 8,000 in the Youngstown area alone were disenfranchised this way.. http://www.workers.org/ww/2004/ohio1230.php"Because election officials withheld voting machines from predominantly African-American precincts, leaving too few machines in those areas, Moss and his wife saw such a long line at 10 in the morning that they decided to try voting in the afternoon."http://www.ilcaonline.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1436&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0 Jones reminded her colleagues that in Ohio people waited to vote for up to five hours and in the Cleveland area a voting precinct was closed on the morning of the election because there were no working voting machines......"Cuyahoga County had an overall provisional ballot rejection rate of 32 percent,” said Jones. “Rejection rates for provisional ballots in African-American precincts/wards in Cleveland, Ohio averaged 37 percent and ranged as high as 51 percent. http://news.pacificnews.org/news/view_article.html?article_id=ba731275f65c8bc9196e9152d748c1e9
Yet, you are being asked to believe that fewer machines and longer lines in Afro-American precincts, the scandalously lower vote counts in Afro-American precincts, the confusion over precincts and ballots and counts and the disproportionate requirement that Afro-American voters vote provisionally all as unintentional glitches.http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19/2005/1068
Kerry’s lower numbers are due to local election officials assigning more voting machines per capita to Republican-leaning suburbs than the Democrat-leaning inner city – a political decision and likely Voting Rights Act violation. The sources used for this report are available at http://freepress.org.
3. >>If anyone was fooled by letters saying that they voted on a later date (I had not heard that actually happened - that sounds like a joke), then they are not alert enough and responsible enough to vote. Again, where is the evidence? Whoever heard of a national election being conducted on multiple days?<<
Jerry, several states allow EARLY VOTING (North Carolina, Nevada, Texas, Colorado, California, New Mexico and others). Florida is one of them. Phil and Katie voted early this year. http://www.nfib.com/object/IO_17889.html for the whole list of states
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Fliers were handed out at a Pittsburgh area mall and mailed to an unknown number of homes. The flier, distributed on bogus but official-looking stationery with a county letterhead, told voters that "due to immense voter turnout expected on Tuesday," the election had been extended. Republicans should vote Tuesday, Nov. 2, it said and Democrats on Wednesday. http://www.votersunite.org/electionproblems.asp?sort=date&selectstate=ALL&selectproblemtype=Vote+suppression
A flier announcing that Election Day has been extended through Wednesday. Dirty tricks are a staple of campaigns, but election officials say this year's could achieve new highs in numbers and new lows in scope, especially in key battleground states such as Florida and Ohio, where special-interest groups have poured in to influence the neck-and-neck race between President Bush and Sen. John F. Kerry. ...."In my 16 years as an election administrator, I've never seen anything like this," said Ion Sancho, supervisor of elections in Leon County, Fla. "I see it as an _expression of a political culture that has evolved in the United States of win at any cost. It's not partisan, but it's just lie, cheat and steal, and ethics be damned." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A12514-2004Oct30.html
4. >>There have been claims about tampering with the voting machines by Republican programmers and manufacturers. I know that there are many postings in the Internet by numerous bloggers, but I have also heard from reliable sources that what is being charged cannot happen.<<
Reliable Sources? Would you site them for me please? And I'll give you the ones I have.
http://www.chuckherrin.com/hackthevote.htm go to this site and spend some time.
In her letter of resignation, Orange said she found the corporate philosophy at ES&S to embody unethical and disreputable practices. She said she had "personally witnessed open discussions of potentially illegal procedures."..."I have since learned that the standards to which I hold myself, I don't believe ES&S holds those same standards and values,” said Orange.http://www.wishtv.com/Global/story.asp?S=1857668
In March ES&S was forced to put up a $10 million bond as insurance against problems and lawsuits, after it was found that in four Indiana counties the company had used uncertified software to move votes from one computer to another—and then attempted to switch back to a certified version “under the guise of routine maintenance” according to a county official. In the end, the counties used the uncertified software because it was found that the certified version did not count the votes correctly. Diebold, on the other hand, was forced to pay $2.6 million outright last month in order to settle a civil lawsuit in California in which the company was also accused of using uncertified software in an election. Not surprisingly, neither company has issued any kind of statement regarding the allegations. And despite the fact that both companies avoided criminal charges, one point remains clear: in terms of security and accountability, they both seem completely irresponsible. ....Until the effective monopoly of the Diebold and ES&S in the voting systems industry is actually broken, and U.S. lawmakers focus on the need for accountable, auditable voting systems, election fraud will always be a risk. The only solution is continued scrutiny and advocacy (this is what Becky is doing). http://www.thecrimson.com/article.aspx?ref=505126 The Harvard Crimson Online
A Johns Hopkins University study reports that Diebold's software contains "stunning flaws" and that results can be altered at the polls or by remote control. Scores of voters were in fact stunned when they voted for Kerry and then saw the screen read a vote for Bush.
ES&S supplied a few Ohio counties with touch-screen machines and manufactures 60 percent of all the voting machines used in the U.S. ES&S began in the 1980s, when brothers Bob and Todd Urosevich founded DataMark with funding from William and Robert Ahmanson. The Ahmanson family has funded the Heritage Foundation; the Discover Institute, whose focus is un-discovering evolution; and the Chalcedon Institute, which advocates the death penalty "for homosexuals and drunkards."
DataMark became American Infor ma tion Systems, with Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel as chair. It then bought out Business Records Corp., partially owned by Carolyn Hunt of the right-wing Hunt oil family, to become ES&S. With Hagel at its helm, the company provided 80 percent of the voting machines used when Hagel first won the Nebraska Senate race. Founder Todd Urosevich remains a top executive at ES&S, but not so his brother--Bob Urosevich now heads up Diebold Election Systems! Diebold technicians were involved in questionable "servicing" of optical scanners in Toledo prior to the recount. According to sworn testimony by the Hocking County Board of Elections deputy director, a technician from TriAd illegally tampered with computers and instructed her on how to create a "cheat sheet" to make sure the recount matches the official results. TriAd manufactured the punch card machines used in 41 of Ohio's 88 counties. Its founder, Tod Rapp, is a long-time contributor to Republican and right-wing causes.http://www.workers.org/ww/2004/ohio1230.php
Item: 30 percent of all U.S. votes are entered on unverifiable touch screen voting machines, with no paper trail - that is, there's no way to verify that the data coming out of the machine is what was entered by voters.
Item: 80 percent of all U.S. votes are tallied by two voting machine companies: Diebold and ES&S. The latter counts almost 60 percent of all U.S. votes.
Item: The vice-president of Diebold and the president of ES&S are brothers. The chairman and CEO of Diebold, a major Bush campaign donor, is the man who wrote in 2003 he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year." Diebold is based in Ohio.
Item: In April 2004, California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley decertified all electronic touch-screen voting machines in the state because of "security concerns and lack of voter confidence." He said he was "passing along evidence to the state's attorney general to bring criminal and civil charges against...Diebold...for fraud."
Item: Although Diebold's new touch screen voting machines produce no paper trail, the ATMs, checkout scanners, and ticket machines that Diebold also makes all log each transaction; they do generate a trail. Item: Jeff Dean was senior vice president of General Election Systems when it was bought by Diebold. After Dean was convicted of 23 counts of felony theft in the first degree, Diebold retained him as a consultant. Dean, who is largely responsible for programming the optical scanning software now used in most of the U.S., was convicted of planting "back doors" (security holes deliberately left in a system by designers or maintainers) in his software, and using a "high degree of sophistication" to evade detection over a period of two years. Item: It has been claimed that all the voting machine errors reported in Florida favored Bush and other Republicans; some experts recommend further investigation. http://www2.townonline.com/lincoln/opinion/view.bg?articleid=157451
Pre-punched ballots; touch-screen vote switching; more absentee votes than absentee voters; unfair provisional voter deletions; change of voting sites on Election Day; voter suppression; voter intimidation; double voting; malfunctioning machines; recalibrated machines; evidently rigged machines; and even 25 million negative votes registered in some races in Mahoning County! http://www.axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/article_14672.shtml
Look at Hocking County & Mercer Countyhttp://www.votersunite.org/electionproblems.asp?sort=date&selectstate=ALL&selectproblemtype=Fraud+%28misc%29
wistleblower http://www.newstarget.com/002972.html
To my knowledge no one is claiming that a single individual stole an election single-handedly - not even the CEO of Diebold, who said "I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral vote to the President next year." http://www.ilcaonline.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1398&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
Triad letter: http://www.house.gov/judiciary_democrats/triadltr122204.pdf followup letter: http://www.house.gov/judiciary_democrats/triadfollowupltr122304.pdf Jerry, I hope this makes you a believer. I tried my best to stay away from bloggers. It was hard, because the main stream media has very few articles on election fraud. Becky
Jerry wrote: Becky, if any of the charges below are true, then "proof" needs to be provided and those responsible should be charged. What is amazing is that the areas that supposedly have less voting machines were in Democratically-controlled precincts. Why couldn't the Democrats assure that there were adequate voting machines in their precincts? Surely, they were not out-maneuvered by those pesky Republicans. Each precinct in Ohio has a Democrat and Republican representatives to assure that everything is handled properly. Why didn't this oversight work? If anyone was fooled by letters saying that they voted on a later date (I had not heard that actually happened - that sounds like a joke), then they are not alert enough and responsible enough to vote. Again, where is the evidence? Whoever heard of a national election being conducted on multiple days? There have been claims about tampering with the voting machines by Republican programmers and manufacturers. I know that there are many postings in the Internet by numerous bloggers, but I have also heard from reliable sources that what is being charged cannot happen. However, to make sure that this is never an issue again, then I would be in favor implementing whatever controls are reasonable to assure voting accuracy. Please refer to my other e-mail that lists changes that I would like to see to assure that voting is as fair and accurate as possible. Jer ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, January 10, 2005 12:25 PM Subject: Letter to the editor
January 10, 2005
Dear Mona:
I read your syndicated article in the Mobile Press Register. I was really surprised at several things you said. Allow me go over them with you, because I would like nothing better than to get to the real truth behind the Ohio vote challenge that occurred Jan 6, 2005 in Congress.
The Democrats are race baiting? I think that you mean we Democrats are trying to stir the pot of the African American voters to purposefully make them feel disenfranchised and angry? Mona, why would we do that? You must not be aware of what your fellow Republicans were up to in Ohio. They just must not have told you “the plan”. You see Mona, we Democrats didn’t have to lift a finger to race bait, because the Republicans did it for us. I know you don’t want to be accused of lying to the public, so I thought I would write and tell you the truth, since your Republican friends in Ohio flailed to clue you in. Here is what your friends did; they took voting machines (normally designated for heavily Democratic precincts) over to the heavily Republican precincts. That resulted in shorter lines and a heavy turn out for the Republican precincts, and long lines with a lighter than usual turn out for the heavily democratic precincts (because there just were not enough voting machines to go around). Mona this is called VOTER SUPPRESSION and I believe it is against the law. This was well documented by Rep. John Conyers from Michigan (a ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee) who held two hearings in Ohio for the people to come and report what happened to them formally and officially for the Congressional Record. Perhaps you didn’t see Rep. Conyers’ formal report to congress concerning voter suppression? By the way, we didn’t have to race bait those individuals who came to the hearings and reported their personal experiences. Are you beginning to see how you may have twisted the facts, just a teensy tiny little bit? Surely you owe your readers nothing less than the truth, right?
Mona, I couldn’t believe you said, “Democrats are willing to lie and sow discord in order to win elections”. I call that a smear, Mona. That’s the very thing you accused Democrats of doing in the previous sentence of your article titled: Republicans shouldn’t let Democrats get away with race baiting, that ran in the Mobile Press Register Jan 10! You also stated that Democrats know that they can’t win if we don’t get 85 to 90 percent of the black vote. Gee, apparently the Republicans also know this. Perhaps this is why letters went out across Ohi o and other places as well telling them that Republicans were to vote on November 2, and Democrats were to vote on November 3rd? You think? Here again, Mona, it’s not the Democrats that are race baiting, it’s truly the Republicans. If you were a black voter, wouldn’t you get angry, if you were told the wrong day to vote by letter, and also discovered that they moved some of your precincts allotment of voting machines to Republican precincts? Be honest about this Mona, you owe your readers your honesty and your integrity, and most of all the truth. Vote reform is truly a non-partisan issue. It is the bedrock of our Democracy. All Americans should be for VOTER VERIFIED PAPER BALLOT VOTE REFORM. No American wants to worry if some partisan computer programmer “illegally tampered” with the tallies on their voting machine that was manufactured by a Republican owned corporation that both supplied the “code for the machine” and promised to deliver the vote for the Republican Party. The Republicans would be wise to maintain their reputations and stay clean of such campaign shenanigans. I'm a white lady who cherishes truth and democracy.