>>>For Rev. Moon my enemy is the United States and the Christian world. The entire Christian world and the free world is my enemy.<<<
>>>Father came to America and created the AFC and the ACC and many other organizations. They are American. Father is foreign. Father came to love America, but they come to meet Father through these projects.<<<
>>>Otherwise, to whom can I inherit these missions. But many come to the Unification Church movement to exploit and take advantage. The subject and object must unite. For the sake of the United States. Instead of having Father in the forefront, it's Americans that should stand in the forefront representing Father. Let Americans take responsibility. Let Americans become the central figure. This ~s the reason Rev. Moon Is retreating back Americans must move forward.<<<
>>George Bush, I am sorry. I had a recommendation for George Bush. Father was the one to have George Bush elected four years ago. But there were certain mandates. Certain reciprocal responsibilities which he did not listen to. What happened? He's finished. In the republican establishment, the only hope is for them to unite with Father. I have great hope for America. However, if America is not going to heed Father's wishes, then Father has an alternative. The former Soviet Union. All those former communist countries. They will be my object. I will work through them. Ultimately one way or another Father's wishes will be accomplished. Father came to the white world to save it.<<
>>Father invested considerable resources to save America. So now not only this world, but the communist world, the eastern European block, China and N. Korea will all come under Father's wings.<<
>>If Father abandons the United States, he is abandoning the entire history of God. Korea is the Adam nation. All that Satan has done Father will restore. Germany was selected as Cain. In 1975. When Father sent out the missionaries, he selected one from Japan, one America and one German. Because Japan and Germany were selected by Father this is the reason that unprecedented economic recovery came to them. We must consummate this providence, otherwise the new era will not dawn.<<
>>>Korean unification shall be Father's utmost goal from now on. In Korea we have two parents. In the North, Kim I1 Sung is the parent. In the south Rev. Moon is the True Parent. Who will follow who? Kim n Sung will follow Father. We see Kim I1 Sung's path is becoming narrower day by day, whereas Father's is expanding.<<<
Completion Of The Responsibilities Of True Parents
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
December 6, 1992
Belvedere, New York
Translator - Sang Kil Han
>>>Therefore, whatever we see in the churches is not of use to God. God cannot find anything useful for His purpose in the Christian churches today. On the other hand, the things which Satan needs and enjoys are in abundance.<<<
>>>So we must clearly see and understand that what God needs the most can no longer be found within Christian churches.<<<
>>>God will talk to Satan and say, "You have done everything you wanted to do. You have tried everything you wanted to try, correct?" Satan will have to answer yes. The individual, family, and all the valuable things have been destroyed and it's a dark world. In this great Christian nation of America, can you name one man or woman of whom God can be truly proud? Is there one man or one woman about whom God can claim, "I am truly proud of that person"? What is your opinion, do you think we can find such a person in America or not? You Americans, who have had such ideals about being great, answer this. The clear answer is no.<<<
>>>What about the government of this country, is it something which God can be proud of? No, the government is certainly no exception to what we have said. The Bush administration, which has now been defeated, was not any better than the individuals of this country. They are all dog-like. Is there any place where God can dwell in this country? Just imagine. The White House is an illustrious place, and the one who occupies the White House-George Bush-has such a great position. Do you think God will be attracted to, and follow the president because God can see hope in him? Will God want to follow Barbara Bush or any of their children just because of their position in this country? Even if they expressed a desire to get closer to God, God would say, "Not the way you are now," and He would just chase them out.
When this is true, such a country should be destroyed. It should never be respected. When some patriotic person hears such a denunciation of his country, do you think he would feel happy or unhappy? He could not feel happy. How should he feel toward Reverend Moon when he hears me describing what is true in his country? When a person hears the truth, he should accept it, even though it does not make him feel happy.<<<
>>>Father, as the messiah on the world level, is one step ahead of you, so I must go back to my home country of Korea and do the hard work of reunifying Korea.<<
>>> Alpha is Israel, Omega is in Korea. Jesus and Israel needed a bride and because there was no bride available, they really suffered. So the central problems of the world today are Israel and Korea. Now Korea is in a great political turmoil and America is religiously in the same situation. It is like mind and body, not fulfilling what they should be doing. They have the same destiny. Father told the Bush administration exactly that. It is very simple. I suggested this during the Conference on World Peace. I said to Mr. Bush, "All you have to do is just acknowledge this by signing it. I will gather together all 160 nations and let you be the leader of these countries. Then you will be able to accomplish perfect peace among all the nations." I said that to Mr. Bush. "You don't have to do anything. I will provide all the plans and I will even do that for you." Furthermore, I suggested that he choose Korea as the "Eternal Country of Peace." After that, all America would have to do would be to support Korea in a small way economically, in order that they could continue to prosper. That is a very small part of the overall job. Then Israel would follow in America's footsteps, and when that happens, Israel would not have any more problems with war.
I said this to Bush and I told him that he would become a historic figure. He would have a role in history which no one would ever be able to deny. But Bush didn't listen and he rejected my idea, which was God's will. Where is he now? He is out of office. After I met with Kim Il Sung, I sent to him a carefully thought out plan. Even to this day, I have received no answer from him. That means he is thinking, "What is Reverend Moon's idea?" Through The Washington Times and the other media which we have at our disposal, I introduced this whole concept, even bringing to America an interview with Kim Il Sung, who is the most remote national leader in the world. It was Father himself who softened Kim's attitude toward America, the very Kim Il Sung who has been going against America. It didn't really take so much money to make such a thing happen. The world knows by now that even though Reverend Moon may have money, he does not use it for himself. American truly needed help, and Father had all the help they needed. I offered it to them, spending my own effort and money to help them. Still this country doesn't come along. Even God feels there is nothing more he can do in this country.<<<
>>>God sent Reverend Moon to America to help it and save it. This country not only failed to respond, but also sent me to prison. Name one other person who came from another country and never said, "Please give me," but rather invested such a huge amount for the sake of this country. Can you name one other person? As you know, one billion dollars was spent just for The Washington Times. Why would an individual spend so much for The Washington Times? The only purpose was for saving this country. No other purpose is possible. As it turns out, all this money has been invested for the sake of the country which has rejected me. Just think about how this country has treated me.<<, containing information on Moon and the Bush connections.