"I know it's hard, but it's hard for a reason," Mr. Bush said on Friday, a day after seven G.I.'s and two marines died. "And the reason it's hard is because there are a handful of folks who fear freedom." If it's just a handful, how come it's so hard?
"Then the president added: "And I look at the elections as a -- as a -- you know, as a -- as -- as a historical marker for our Iraq policy."
Unremarked upon was how the President's comments Friday came a day after the Congress debated major flaws in our own election, failings that most of our media brushed off as a "delay." Others dismissed the evidence presented as "conspiracy theories" even as Congress member Maxine Waters of California noted correctly that voting rights are not and should not be "outcome determinative."
Republican law makers castigated filmmaker Michael Moore by suggesting he was responsible for a discussion they dismissed as a "stunt." The right-wing Washington Times pressed California Senator Barbara Boxer, who questioned the Ohio outcome, to distance herself from Moore.