For many things, like exchanges of views here, the net & computers are invaluable, in fact, essential.
But, for voting; paper all the way along with lots and lots of humans counting, watching, filming, broadcasting the entire tallying process.
My view is simple.
Paper registration. Paper poll books. Paper ballots. Humans look at the paper ballots and record on paper the votes. All votes are tabulated, on paper, by each County and then by each State. All paper records for any "National" position -- executive or legislative -- are archived by the National Library of Congress.
The cost is trivial. How much does a 500 lb. 'smart bomb' that kills an entire family in Iraq compare to whatever it costs to print ballots; hire nonpartisan vote counters; pay room and board for independent, international observers; and, pay the lease expense for a Library of Congress supervised storage facility that maintains, indefinitely, the full record of how each citizen participated in the American franchise of democracy.
Paper all the way. People at every stage. Multiple, independent observers. Whatever the cost, it is the most important investment of any tax dollar; it's the cost of knowing, unambiguously, that the government we elect is the government that we will hold accountable.
Anything less means "We The People" most definitely did not meet OUR responsibility for ensuring "A More Perfect Union."
"Bush Owns It: Let's Purge It" -- NOW (and, wishing everyone the blackest of black-20Jan)