This was in response to my letter asking for the verified paper ballot and random auditing in my state. This guy is a Republican, so there is hope if we write to them and tell them what to do.
Think about this: other than the voting machine lobby, who in their right mind would be writing to them asking for NON-Verifed Voting??? So for every letter they get demanding verified voting, they have almost NOTHING on the other side of the issue!
I'm not being naive here. Nor am I going to overly cynical. I know this response could be a crock of s*!+, but you must admit, taken at face value, he seems to "get it." He even used the F-word! Here is what he said:
"I can assure you that as a result of computer fraud in other areas, many have expressed similar concerns to allowing a computerized Internet form of voting. As such, you may be certain of my full scrutiny of any proposal that would allow this or any similar type system to be utilized in state."
FYI, we already have bills in both houses of the state that would require the VVPB and random audits. But they are not finalized yet. I am hopeful we can get this right, make some improvements, etc. Meanwhile keep writing those letters because there are too many states with nothin'!