Here's their action page...just the text (go to url for links--there are lots) Action
Keep informed about US Count Votes' activities by subscribing to our general mailing list at and submit names of press contacts in your state to help us publicize USCountVotes' public election archive.
Actions You Can Take Now
Written by Kathy Dopp
Friday, 24 December 2004
Signup for USCountVotes' announcements list to keep informed about US Count Votes news and activities. Signup for a a state mail list to help in a particular state. We'll also update you on volunteer opportunities as soon as we're ready to accept data. Look at USCountVotes FAQ page for information on what types of data are needed and collect data with others.
Please contact state election officials to ask them for election results by precinct, by ballot-type and vote counting method, including all overvotes and undervotes. If you ask, some election officials may want to monitor the accuracy and fairness of elections as much as we do, and will assist by developing information systems to collect the needed precinct level data.
Donate. Help us develop a nation-wide database of election results to pinpoint every precinct in America which had likely vote counting errors and allow candidates in the 2006 election to identify precincts with vote counting errors - before they concede.
Help with fundraising. If you have fundraising experience, we need your ideas. Please sign up for the US Count Votes Fundraisers email list!
Help us get the word out! Publicize our data collection system and results by submitting contact information for your local newspaper, TV and radio persons.
Join other voter rights groups. See OpenVotingConsortium, VerifiedVoting, VotersUnite or BallotIntegrity to join your state's voter group - or start a group in your state, and let others know to add links to your new group.
Find out what is happening in your state in terms of its selection of voting equipment. Make sure your state is not selecting touchscreen DRE voting equipment unless it produces a paper ballot that is practical to audit and recount both electronically and by hand. Not all paper "audit trails" are easily recountable. For example, "paper under glass" systems can be very expensive to recount. Nevada recently said that it would have to pay almost $400,000 and hire outside consultants to recount its paper-under-glass audit trail for its brand-new touchscreen DRE voting equipment!
Last Updated ( Thursday, 13 January 2005 )