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Voter Turnout for 2004 Highest Since 1968

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sunnystarr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 08:33 PM
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Voter Turnout for 2004 Highest Since 1968,1280,-4734199,00.html

Saturday January 15, 2005 1:01 AM


Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Deep divisions over the war in Iraq and intense voter registration drives pushed the 2004 presidential election turnout to 60.7 percent, the highest level since 1968, the Center for the Study of the American Electorate said Friday.

In 1968, when Republican Richard Nixon beat Democrat Hubert Humphrey, 61.9 percent of those eligible cast ballots. Turnout stayed below 60 percent during the eight presidential elections in between.

Turnout last year rose by 6.4 percentage points over 2000, the biggest election-to-election increase since 1952. That year, voter turnout rose 10.1 percentage points over 1948, the nonpartisan group said.

Overall, 122.3 million voted in the Nov. 3 elections, according to CSAE.

``Both parties spent unprecedented resources on mobilization,'' the report said. ``In certain respects, the 2004 election was all about motivation and mobilization. The substantial increase in turnout was due largely to the deep emotions surrounding the presidency of George W. Bush.''

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Wilms Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 11:25 PM
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1. Bush can really pack the house.
And Rove can really hack the vote.
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RaulVB Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 11:28 PM
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2. This is the last straw!

All the historic voting patterns are on his side. Now he just needs to claim his job.

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