To win in 2006, the Dems need to be seen as patriots. This doesn't mean flag waving, gay bashing or war mongering. It's our own brand of the product.
Now who in America can argue with the idea of free and fair elections? Even if there is unspoken racism in the minds of some on the other side, the issue of Verified Voting should be something everyone can agree on, just like Mom and Apple Pie. And to our political advantage now, it's something that the GOP has blocked at every turn. They are miserable failures on this issue!
Since May 2003, there have been five (5) separate bills in Congress that were never brought to a vote because of them. It's so sweet I can taste it!
I'm not saying we should give up any of our other dreams, values or priorities, but for the Democratic Party to survive, it needs a national issue. An unassailable, unambiguous, non-divisive national issue that cannot be spun into some twisted right-wing propagandistic rant about how we don't care about our country, or our flag, or our churches, or our families, or that we don't want the poor to have to work for a living, or whatever else they can dream up to discredit our ideology.
We need a bullet-proof, slime-proof, noise-proof, Fox-proof, swiftboat-vet-proof, all American issue that we can stick right up there butts because they have already screwed it up big time -- and it's on the record. And I think Verified Voting can be that issue.
Our party, riding the wave of the Electoral Vote Objection of Jan 6, and the irregularities in Ohio and elsewhere in 2004 should take this opportunity to rub the Republicans' noses in this issue. If we squander it, it's over for us.
We should inform the media and the People that under the Republicans' leadership, the vote has become unverifiable and WE are the ones who are going to fix it. We have tried five times in Congress and each time, the ruling party has blocked us. It is therefore not our fault that this has been allowed to occur, it is theirs. They may be in charge, but we are the Patriots here folks. We don't know what they are at this point and frankly, we don't give a damn.
The results will be two-fold:
1. We will have a much needed issue to rally around, that the Republicans have chosen to disregard, that is as significant and respectable as Mom and Apple Pie. We will be seen as the NEW Patriots and we can reveal the Republicans for what they are. I don't need to go into that here exactly, but suffice it to say that they need to take some of their own medicine on this one. We can repeat the message over and over, just like they do, the main difference being that our cause is just and universal. They will have to concede, or they will be shamed into it. We will have a message!
2. We will get Verified Voting by 2006, and the votes in the next Congressional Election will be counted fairly and accurately. Obviously this should favor us if there has in fact been counting fraud up until now. If even half the suspicions about counting fraud are true, it will be like redistricting the whole country in our favor. And if not, we will have saved a vital part of the Republic. If our ideas aren't shared by the majority of the people, than so be it. But at least we will know for sure and we will know that we've tried.
I do not mean to offend the moderate Republicans on this list, or those who favor free and fair elections, but it is time for OUR party -- the Democratic Party -- to stand up on this issue and take the lead, and call a spade a spade. If our leaders aren't willing to do this for the right reasons i.e., truth, justice and the American way, let them do it for the politics -- and for their own self interest! We can not lose on this particular issue. It is ours!
The rest will come, but only if the vote is counted correctly. First things first.