I read the article on Bush's "interview" with the Wash Post. That fired me up all by itself:
"We had an accountability moment, and that's called the 2004 elections," Bush said in an interview with The Washington Post. "The American people listened to different assessments made about what was taking place in Iraq, and they looked at the two candidates, and chose me."
I realize many of us have been following the election fraud allegations since 11/2, and we're well-versed on the issues, the guilt, and the purpose. What we lack is leadership. We have no centralized plan, we have no outline for action. Every thread in this forum tackles 50 different issues from fifty different angles. I've done my number work, in fact, I'm still doing it. I applaud all those who continue to analyze and break down numbers that continue show that this election was stolen. We can never stop this.
But, that's not going to make it change. We need leaders. We need a movement. I haven't seen anything or anyone that stands out to me and screams, "Follow Me"!. Conyers and Boxer have done great, but does anyone actually believe that they will lead the drive to impeachment? That the Democratic party has the power to do anything? We need media. We need local action. We need a political party devoted to this issue, and dedicated to this isse. It is the single most important issue that I will face in my lifetime. Jeb '08? Fuck. Downward spiral.
I'm at a loss, I'd love to be that leader, but I'd have to disenfranchise my family, my job, my life, to do it. We need group leadership. We need organization. The Ukraine did it, why can't we? I will gladly be a part of it. I vow to do everything I can to fix this problem, but my family and my job are my immediate livelihood. I'm sure many, many people here on DU agree with that sentiment. We need a defined path to organize.
I'm not political, at least I wasn't on 11/1. I don't know where to begin, or I'd start. I just don't see anything getting done. Today is one of those days....