Forgive me for using you as a sounding board, but this seems to be the best forum for discussing election reform. While contemplating a run for the position in my county I started thinking about the SOEs around the nation. Many seats may be up well before my county's office expires in 2008. We should really focus on making these high profile races.
I hate to admit my gross ignorance with respect to this position, but for years I thought it was appointed by the county commission. I didn't even remember it being on the ballot until an ethical question came up last week! That's how uncontested the SOE job is here. You never see any yard signs, direct mail, etc. I don't know if it is similar in other areas, but I suspect it might be since I've never given it much thought and I've lived in five different counties since being of voting age.
We need to:
1. Identify candidates who have the ability to do the job, are theoretically electable and believe that HAVA doesn't go far enough so they are willing to initiate "election reform" through their decision making authority.
2. Get them the backing and support they need to run an effective contest based on the goal of 100% voter confidence in the system.
3. Work hard on their campaigns to make sure they are high profile and the message of fair and transparent elections resulting in 100% voter confidence gets disseminated far and wide.
This just popped into my head because I believe lobbying from the top down will only go so far. We also need to make change from the bottom up. What do you think?