This is without a doubt the BEST article I have read on election fraud, written by a conservative republican who is a computer security expert.
Empathy Training for Compassionate Conservatives: Why the Democrats Are Still Whining About the Election (and Why Maybe We Should Be, Too)
Chuck Herrin, CISSP, CISA, MCSE, CEH
American, Voter, Republican – In That Order
Author's note: **As of right now, 11-23-2004, there is no conclusive evidence that massive voter fraud took place, but there is overwhelming evidence that the weaknesses in our voting system could have allowed it. I hope it didn't happen, but the simple fact is that whether it did or not, our election systems, particularly those using DREs, appear to have been designed specifically to allow fraud, rather than prevent it. Who put these systems in place, and what is the real current state of e-voting? Read on, gentle surfer, and I'll do my best to tell you.**
I was talking to a dear friend of mine yesterday, and he asked me what I had been up to.
"This voting machine security thing" I told him. "It looks really bad. I can't believe how insecure these systems are and how easy they would be to Hack."
He chuckled and said to me, very sincerely, "Well, just as long as they go Republican, right? Heh, heh."
There was an awkward moment of silence as I processed that. Now, this is no raving Neo-Conservative that I'm talking to here. I love him, but he probably couldn't pick Karl Rove out of an Evil Genius Lineup with Dr. Evil, Max Scorpio, and that Steve guy from the Linux cartoon ( I'm visualizing it now - "Suspect number 3, please turn to the right and say 'Mwuahh-haa-haa.....'"
Actually, this is a guy I've known for almost 15 years, a college buddy and fraternity brother who I have leaned against on many drunken and interesting nights, and is one of the very few people in the world I trust explicitly. I took a few seconds to let what he said sink in, and then I warily replied, "Actually, that's kind of the problem. So far, all the vote fraud analysis that's been done indicates that it benefited us 100% of the time."
He replied, "Yeah? Huh. Go figure. Hey, can you make it to the Tampa Bay / Panthers game next weekend? Kevin's coming up from Florida, and we're tailgating!"
I mumbled something about trying to be there and hung up, half-stunned and half-depressed. Now keep in mind, this really is a stand-up guy, who I know was raised in the church and who has been known to speak (at great length) on Moral and Religious topics to whoever would listen, whenever the urge struck him. Coors Light was often involved in bringing about these "sermons" from high atop Mount Barstool, but he still made some good points, which is why his offhand response surprised me so much.
I guess in hindsight, I really shouldn't be that surprised. I have been involved in analysis of our nationwide voting systems for only a relatively short while now, but I have noticed a strong, consistent partisanship entering the discussions wherever the topic is raised. Now, I have always been a Republican and consider myself a reasonably bright person, but what I can't understand is the differences in the answer to what I think is a very simple question:
"If voter fraud is committed on behalf of your party, does the fact that your party benefited from it make it OK?"
Now, to me, the ends clearly don't justify the means. But as I talk to other Republicans, I am finding that there is a clear and strong resistance to looking into the issue of whether or not our voting system has any integrity. For the most part, we're either simply not convinced that there is a problem or we simply choose to ignore it since the "problem" seems to work to our benefit. I'm not sure how many of them have ever played much chess, but it's clear that a whole lot of people aren't even looking 1, much less 2 moves ahead. What happens when the results of a corrupt voting system DON'T go your way? What's going to happen when your side DOESN'T win? Will you be able to put the fact that our system is so easily manipulated behind you and just "get over it"?
As an American Voter, charged with the solemn duty of electing the most powerful leaders in history, SHOULD you be able to?
Some other people are less disinterested and are more focused on actively attempting to discredit those who are concerned about the huge weaknesses in our Voting Infrastructure. For the life of me, I just CANNOT figure out why ANY Honest person would resist efforts to ensure that our voting system is secure and provides vote integrity.
Now as for a DIShonest person, that's another matter. I can figure THAT out just fine. More on that later.
We all know from our life experiences that the mixed blessing of being part of a Democracy means that everyone is supposed to have a voice. Those of us who have sat through those uncomfortable (ugghhh) Thanksgiving dinner political discussions know that sometimes everyone having a voice can be a pain, but we also know that the alternatives are all much, much worse. These alternatives have been tried by others, remember? Weren't we Republicans slightly involved in bringing down the Berlin Wall? Aren't we such big believers in Democracy that we are sending our kids to die in foreign countries just so those Foreigners can be Democratic and have a voice, too?
More, and well worth reading. It only gets better: