Edited on Mon Jan-17-05 06:53 AM by Timebound
With the 2004 election just behind us, many people around the country are worried about the integrity of our election systems. Are they fair? Did the process work? Depends on who you ask. Whether you're talking about ten-hour waits to vote in Ohio, or dead people voting in Washington state, we can all agree on one thing: IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.
Me and a few others are going to try and start a grassroots movement to get voting laws changed in this country. We need your help. We want to know what YOU think would make voting better.
And we plan to march straight to Congress with this. But we can't do it without you and your input.
Voting is NOT a states' rights issue. A federal election should require FEDERAL standards. When voting laws in North Carolina are not the same as voting laws in Kansas, and when voting for the same national race (such as a Presidental election), this is obviously a problem. Those ten hour lines in Ohio (and elsewhere) could have been solved by allowing early voting (somes states have it, some don't).
These problems will not get better on their own.
The epic Left VS Right battle continues on in Congress today, and it is unlikely that without sufficient prodding by the public that they will ever stop bickering and settle down to try to fix things.
If for just a few minutes, both Democrats and Republicans can agree, and raise their voices to Congress together, there would be no stopping us.
So we are working on a few important issues to both parties to try to come to a solution.
This is where we need YOUR help. Here are some basic guidelines we've come up with so far speaking to various Democrats and Republicans (and so far, we've kept them in the same room for a while and no one's been trying to kill each other over the Washington Governor's race...yet *shiver*)
I'm posting here because I want YOUR opinions. I want your suggestions/critisims on these guidelines so that we can better satisfy what all people want.
I own the domain votefraud.us, and it is going to go live in about a week. This is going to be our mission, to protect the intregity of the voting system.
(Please keep the Republican/Bush bashing soft, at least on this particular thread. I just want to know what YOU think would be necessary for a voting amendment.)
In full disclosure, this will be discussed on FR as well.
Here are the guidelines we've (somewhat) agreed on so far:
1- Without a state-issued picture ID, I cannot rent a four dollar video from Blockbuster. I can, however, vote for the future of the country with just a signature. A signature alone is NOT sufficent enough to cast a vote in a national election. A state-issued picture ID should be REQUIRED, as well as a voter's registration card (and correct address). This is NOT an outrageous request. This can go a long way to ensure that fraudulent votes are not cast, as well as ensuring that people vote only one time.
On Edit: Most things in this country cannot be done without your driver's liscense or state-issued picture ID. You can't rent a movie, and in most places you cannot write a check without verifying you are who you say you are. This is THE issue for the right. We are going to have to compromise on it somewhat. I personally would not feel threatened to have to take twenty seconds to show my driver's liscense when I vote.
Remember, there are several reports in Ohio of Dems showing up only to find out someone already voted in their name. A poll worker's quick glance at a driver's license could have prevented this.
2- We would not wait in line to get a Driver's License for sixteen hours. Therefore, we should not have to wait sixteen hours to vote. Early voting needs to be implemented in every single state, and we also need to make sure that there is sufficent equiment for everyone to vote in a timely manner.
3- Just as we would not accept most banking transactions without a paper receipt, we should not accept electronic voting without a receipt. We need to be able to ensure that a vote was counted the way it was cast. The obvious danger here is that a party could 'buy out' the election, paying a hacker (or insider) to sway an election one way or the other. (Both Dem's and Republican's have sizeable pocketbooks, need I remind you)
4- When votes are tabulated at the end of the election day, we need equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans doing the counting. Campaign officials STAY OUT, volunteers only. This way, the opportunity of one party 'stealing/stacking the votes' decreases dramatically because there will be the opposition breathing down their necks as they count.
5- If you are involved as a high ranking official of a campaign, stay OUT of the official voting process. If you are in such a position (such as Secretary of State), then STEP ASIDE. Whether you are biased or not, it can be considered a problem to the integrity of the process and will be cause for question later on. (slander, ect.)
6- Two days after the election is over, an equal number of representatives from each party's campaign should be allowed to go back and audit votes down the the county level if requested. If county XYZ has high Democratic registration but high Republican voting (or persay, we find a month later two hundred ballots stuffed in a drawer somewhere), then the campaigns have the right to go back and audit. If nothing else, this will help ease people's fears and will go a long way to making sure that individual counties keep good records that are open to scrutiny.
7- If you are denied the ability to vote for whatever reason, there will be a log for you to sign at the poll. You will recieve a receipt that designates a place, date, and time to show up at the local Government Center (much like court). Ballots will be on hand, and as a voter you will be entitled to a review of your right to vote. Having an appointment such as this can solve many problems. Those who have recently moved or whatnot can get simple misunderstandings cleared up, and will then be provided with a ballot and can vote. The log and receipt that you will recieve will ensure that only people who show up to a polling place on November 2nd (or earlier, if voting early) will be entitled to these 'hearings'. This will help relieve a lot of 'voter disenfranchisement'. This date must be set before the certification of election results in the state.
"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Many of these points not only protect the right to vote, but prevent the 'slander' that could occur afterwards. Peole would have more confidence that the voting process was upheld with integrity.
All right guys, this is where YOU GUYS can come in! We CAN do this, we can make sure that all future elections can be free and fair, and we won't have to worry about them as much.
Critisims, suggestions (or if you would be interested in helping out with the website when it goes live), post away! If you have suggestion that's not listed here, post it!
Democracy at its finest, guys. We can do it!
"Integrity is one of several paths. It distinguishes itself from the others because it is the right path... And the only one upon which you will never get lost." -M.H. McKee
I would appreciate it if someone would keep this thread bumped (or better yet, nominate it for the frontpage). We REALLY need to discuss this issue.
(And please forgive the spelling errors, I have been awake for 31 hours straight.)
Also added on Edit: Remember, debate these. Tell me what you think should be added, and/or what you don't like about the suggestions (I know the ID thing is a raw button, but one we're going to have to tackle to get anything done).
Or, you can do nothing, and wait for it all to happen again in 2008...