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Sign up to work the next election. Anything less than this and you are

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Election Reform Donate to DU
seriousstan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 06:48 AM
Original message
Sign up to work the next election. Anything less than this and you are
useless blathering.
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DebJ Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 06:54 AM
Response to Original message
1. Done. And started an issues group to try to hold public forums
on issues like Social Security. Went to a local Democratic Club meeting....very interesting. You guys should try it.

Our local Dem Party is very weak....won't stand for that. Only about 1460 days left of Bush!
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saltpoint Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 06:57 AM
Response to Original message
2. You speak the truth, seriousstan.
I'm not sure about a candidate yet, but I know I will not be supporting the Cat Butcher or Lil' Jeb.

Democratic Party? Green Party? Another independent candidacy? One of those, but nobody the GOP sends up.
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teryang Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 07:26 AM
Response to Original message
3. "Useless blathering"
That's an interesting term. You ought to suggest that to a rightest PR firm like Hill & Knowlton. Maybe Fox could use it.

There are numerous things that people can do to resist the imposition of oppressive government. In my opinion electoral politics isn't on the top of the list right now, unless someone get's rid of evoting.
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flyarm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 09:05 AM
Response to Reply #3
5. correct!!
Edited on Mon Jan-17-05 09:15 AM by flyarm
worked two weeks of early vote..7 am to some nights almosy 9pm..and i worked general as a poll watcher..unless the laws change and unless we throw out all wont matter if we all work!! we had thousands of lawyers sent here to fla by kerry...did it matter?? not one bit!
and i went out and spoke for almost a year about the machines..i still have dems now saying i am nuts about the machines..

why because they can't see whats going on inside the machines or tabulators..and because some poll workers had a couple classes and they were "told" the machines are perfect!
one lady who has been at a few of my speaches about the dangers of the e voting and argues with me during my speaches no matter how many documents i bring and show of the way the machines can change and manipulate votes..the lady was a poll worker and she believes the machines are just hunky dory!! because she has been brainwashed!
please it starts before the election it starts NOW with educating people ..and we can not go into another election with evoting..for white anglos that didnt have their votes robbed from them they are clueless to what went on.. and for all of us who have no clue how our vote was or was not won't matter if god was working the next election...the fix is in..and the only way to stop it is to vote by paper ballots..with verification out in the public by one person from each party in presence , at the least..its starts with educating Now , now isnt soon needs pressure from americans on their reps...and laws to be enacted to make sure our votes count..and strict penalties , immediate ones, for anyone who slows or stops americans from casting their can see what happens ..after the fact...will those who lost their votes this time ever have them!
so save your time and breath unless you are willing to go into the public and tell them the stuff you know about evoting ..unless you get a ground swell going among alot of people...and those people demand changes..king kong can work during the next election..and it wont change a thing with the rotten evoting machines..or the optical scan..

what do we really need..we really need all of you sitting at your computers who do know this info ..we need you in your communities out speaking at dnc clubs, dec meetings, we need you to get peoples blood boiling...we need .. you , that so passionately type here to go speak in our towns and vet meetings and rotary meetings, and any meeting going on in your community..
you dont have to be a public know this stuff...
make copies of this stuff...make enough to take with you and hand out...
tell the people start writing the state and demanding changes...and letters to editors...

dont think people will listen???...wrong...they will all listen and they will get mad and they will do what you suggest!

i went to one meeting and i made 250 copies of an article about evoting and the secret codes...
well 400 people were at the meeting...i honestly thought 250 copies would not all be taken...not only were all taken but almost all of the people in the room gave me their email addresses and asked me to send it to them...the following week the letters to the editors were incredible...almost all of the 400 people wanted the info..and the people stayed afterwards for well over an hour asking me questions...

if the masses "dont know".... they cant act...and they dont you must become the media...

its the same everywhere i go speak about this stuff..i always have a crowd around me after a meeting with people asking what they can do and where they can get the info to educate themselves...

and folks i am not a speaker..i am a just retired flight attendant , and a wife and a mom...i get sweatly palms and i get nervous..but its too important for me to say ."i can't do that"

because i went out and spoke out..i was elected delegate...and i never ever ran for anything before ..not even home room queen!...because many wanted someone who cared about their vote representing them..i beat out life long politicans and people who ran dem clubs...because i walked the walk and talked the talk...

...and you can know this that you can go out " NOW" and speak out about this stuff...we can all sit at this machine..and type and keep peeling the onion..but the masses of your neighbors dont know about this stuff, and the only way they will learn is for all of us to go tell them.

will people argue with you..well some may..but you are armed with the knowledge...make copies and be prepared for those deal with the same crap here...

be the can do it...if i can, you can too!

fly:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: off to another soap
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teryang Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 02:42 PM
Response to Reply #5
10. commend you on your great work!
Thanks for letting us know about it. It's inspiring really.

How anyone could have confidence in voting electronically is beyond me.
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Pacifist Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 08:52 AM
Response to Original message
4. I've already warned my family that I will be gone from sunup to sundown
on election day from here on out as I fully intend to volunteer as a poll watcher. Additionally, I will be busting my tail working for the democratic campaigns in the senatorial and gubernatorial races in Florida in 2006.

In the meantime though I am lobbying congress to pass stricter election reform laws and pestering my local Supervisor of Elections to conduct random handcount audits of our optical scan ballots and to acquire ballot templates instead of DRE technology to comply with HAVA accommodation requirements. I urge everyone to act locally as well as nationally.
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flyarm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 09:26 AM
Response to Reply #4
6. it wont matter...
unless we ban optical scan and e-voting..and the only way that will happen is if there is a ground swell in your neighborhood and all our neighborhoods..

from fla here...

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Pacifist Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 09:32 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. Well we better start moving then.
Sorry, but I'm not going to give up just because the task seems daunting. That is one way to guarantee it will never change.
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flyarm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 10:07 AM
Response to Reply #7
8. daunting..never!!
Edited on Mon Jan-17-05 10:10 AM by flyarm
please don't infer i mean daunting..absolutely not...and we must move now...we must educate..even our local dem parties..when i began now over 1 1/2 yr ago..our dec chair had no idea there was a prob with the machines...this is not brain surgery..this is communications..its opening up dialog, and all of us are capable of it..form groups./.one group in your community can work on letters to editors, one group can work on legislators, it snow balls folks...i now have a huge group of people who work the local communications so when we need to get to legislators i email the group of emailers and they get into action and send out to hundreds ...we now have groups that are great letter writiers..they get going on letters to editors and blast them now...

when i began this i hardly knew how to turn the computer on ...and now we have a community communications team thats incredible...
people are concerned in our communities...they just need guidence and they need the info..
go to meetings take names and email lists..when it gets overwhelming delegate people who want to protect their votes..they want to help...the more they learn the more they want to know...
ask people for help...its all our problem and so many want to help and get the info out there..they really do...
i never ever give up hope with the american know how and the american peoples will...they will never dissappoint if they are armed with the info!!

you will be surprised how many people in your own community are like minded in thinking...and who just dont know where to start..or how to go about getting their voices heard..or what they can do locally..many give up because they dont know what to do...tap into that ..go for it..there is no right or wrong..its only wrong to sit and do nothing!!

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AndyTiedye Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 10:47 AM
Response to Original message
9. Tried To This Election
They had more people than they could use in California.

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